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AuthorDragon Heroes. Thief Invitation Renting.
Rent time: 4 weeks.
Payment under the contract:
1000 gold per day;
1 art of thief at return to a current of the first 2 weeks (1 art of thief will be returned the player after contract end);
2 arts of thief at return to a current of the 4 weeks.
Prepaid: 10,000 gold to Vitosik (renting fee for first 10 days);
Penalty under the contract: 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
The rent contract:
I “Nickname”, lease the thieves' invitation from Vitosik, for a period of 4 weeks.
When I get 1 level thieves guild, I'll send to him first art of thief.
When I get 2 level thieves guild, I'll return new one thieves' invitation with second art of thief and 1000 gold per day (- 10,000 gold prepaid).
If I do not execute the treaty provision I agree punishment in the form of the penalty 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
If I return TGI in 2 weeks, I will get one thief art back on Vitosik's choice.
Thx, Vitosik. :)
I “castaway”, lease the thieves' invitation from Vitosik, for a period of 4 weeks.
When I get 1 level thieves guild, I'll send to him first art of thief.
When I get 2 level thieves guild, I'll return new one thieves' invitation with second art of thief and 1000 gold per day (- 10,000 gold prepaid).
If I do not execute the treaty provision I agree punishment in the form of the penalty 500000 or blocking (in default to pay the penalty).
If I return TGI in 2 weeks, I will get one thief art back on Vitosik's choice.
closed by Lord Vitosik (2008-10-19 22:41:18)
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