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AuthorAt high faction level, Switch or Not To Switch?
1. As we know, the max faction level is 9 (am I correct?).
So, when you almost reach faction level 9 or even when you already reach faction level 9, Will you switch to other faction?

2. Look at the faction level point:
7 900
8 1600
9 2900

To raise our faction level from 7 to 8, we need 700 skill points, almost the same skill points with level 7 itself (900).
To raise our faction level from 8 to 9, we need 1300 skill points, almost the same skill points with level 8 itself (1600).

For me, it's better to have 2 faction with level 7 than 1 faction with level 8.
For me, It's much better to have 3 faction with level 7 than 1 faction with level 9.
So, I plan to switch faction.

How is your plan?
How is high level players in heroeswm.ru decide about this?
Check top level warriors of heroeswm.ru : they all have 9 in at least one faction, not their current one.

Apparently, they change faction when they achieve the top level.
I would suggesting faction when you dont like the old one anymore..

I mean... look at Kusika's hunts...
She / He doesnt even attack once, all the time its defend defend and defend, and only with the ranged units he attacks and the hero is doing all the damage
so eery hunt he has to wait til the 60 mp has recovered and 80% of the troops..
i dont want to play like that.... its very boring to me....
Well, will you switch after you reach level 9 faction level or earlier?

I plan to switch faction when I reach level 7 faction not waiting until reaching level 9 faction. Now I am in level 7 faction but I wait until I reach level 9 combat level. That's because I need the gold and resources prize from empire to build castle. :)
well, for you it only gives 3% extra chance...
so what do you want, an extra 3% to favoured enemy, or play another faction, what costs tons of money first, and then you have 21% damage reduction to elfs
Aw, man. And I thought I have a long term strategy...

Anyways if you intend to switch factions later in the game you should start putting a few levels on your future factions now. I mean, a jump from 8th skill level to 0th skill level comes with a huge loss of unit stats (-4 Defence, -4 Attack, -9% Initiative). You'd be in a serious disadvantage in duels within your combat level. Not to mention that your faction "talents" (criticals on favored enemies, number of gated units, reserve skeletons, etc...) will be way below par for your combat level if you switch really late...
I recommend not to switch faction till you reach at least 8 lvl with some faction. To reach the 5lvl in some faction when you are at exp lvl 10+ is very easy cause you get from a fight a lot of faction points.

This is a main strategy plan and shouldn`t take in consideration without additional Guild`s training, money recalculation (you should build buildings more than for one castle), experience leveling stategy, infight strategy like meele(defender, offencer) or mage(defender, offencer). Some factions are not suitable for some strategies.
ofcoarce having 9 fraction points gives + 1 luck to your troops....
I`ll give an example.
Let`s say you have 5 mage faction lvl. WIth additive bonuses you should have:
+1 Defence of Troops,
+1 Attack of Troops,
+1 Attack Hero,
+1 Defence Hero,
+3% Initive to Troops.
And you switch to another faction that you have 0 lvl let`s say demons.

Now you have only the
+1 Attack Hero,
+1 Defence Hero
bonuses from the other faction lvl ? Or you have none ?

Anyway if there is no bonus that you get from another faction lvl when switching you should focus on only one faction. And if it`s only the bonus-es that I described there is no point in training some other faction less than lvl 5. The damage reduction that you get cost`s you a lot. It`s easy-er to buy some rare equipment like Thiefs Set and raising your faction lvl on those with many faction but with not even one strong.
why? i have 5 lvls on necro, i just switched to demon not long ago and still having only 1 lvl on demon, and in the 3v3 battle i just fought, i still gained most exp, no prob at all even with lesser gated troops
That`s not the point. You are at lvl 6. You`ll see what I meant on lvl 7.

And beside you were fighting merely fighters with no full set. This is why you got only so less faction points. I can comment on every of your opponents what mistakes have they done. And have you tried to fight a demon 1 x 1 or a necro with more faction lvl than yours ?
and you totally missed specialone's whole point too, those that already had 7 lvls on a single faction are most probably at least lv 8
OK. I`ll try to reveal all the aspects. There are players who play the form the long term. They have big HG, WG, and all other guilds. They have a plenty of money cause they don`t hurry and don`t fight daily in gang-fights. They collect faction points. I know some guys what reached the 7 faction lvl on russian server in the moment they have have firs up (the lvl 7 has one up in the middle).
They are long players. When they fight in a gang-fight (3x3 or 2x2) they fight with well known partnerns. In the fight they wear full sets. Every one has his role. At higher lvl like 8+ you can win/loose cause you made a right/wrong move or they adopt a right/wrong tactic (they attack in bad formation a heavy defense formation, sometimes is better to cast a slow or a destruction of def against a certain unit). It`s not the faction lvl that makes it out for you. The wining is guaranted by the random (ATB line), formation, brains artifacts you wear, brains and only after goes faction lvl (actually I sneatched this line from a wize lvl 10+ playa from russian server :D).

There is no fast mode to gain faction lvl especially on this server cause here you don`t have the cheating sets from wars (like in russian). Unless you put a lot of money in here. And pay some guys to stay at your desk and play for ya LWM. So fast playaz what are wearing in gang fights AP<10 are ment to loose forever to long term playaz cause on the same exp lvl they have different faction lvls, long term playaz have seen many fight`s and know well how to act in gang-fight, mostly long term playaz play in full sets (unless they delibertly choose the AP to fit the fight).

There are playaz on the russian server that have the 9 faction lvl on the 10 exp lvl. And starting from that point they choose what fraction should they make for next. When it comes to a tournament`s there you see the real faction value (the 9 lvl).

Now for your speciall case. Why did you received mostly exp in your last 3x3 fight. Cause you had good partners. You didn`t go for an atack but stayed to defend them. The partners killed the opponents shooters and the opponent`s where forced to go for an atack. The Necros didn`t stood a chance against your demon faction. He had the same faction lvl but he had the disavantage to go against a mage what was near you. The DE what i sow ... hmm they don`t have some normal build, due to the lack of the money they don`t have good meele sets nor mage sets. DE must be specialized in something to gain something. And mages they don`t have miniartifacts. And none of them have the second lvl upgraded units. It was clear that your team will win from the start. if the random ATB lineup would have been anothet they might had a chance though with no shooters (skeletons don`t do heavy long ranged atacks) no powerful mages (6-7 SP) I think you would won anyway. This is not a fight where you can show that the faction level bonus is a great bonus.
OK. I`ll try to reveal all the aspects. There are players who play the form the long term.
yes, i know there are some ppl who do that, and i agree with you its rather pointless to have lv 1s on all factions as protection at lower lvls
but my point on #12 is that what you said are OT

Now for your speciall case.....
and my point on post #10 was a reply to

Anyway if there is no bonus that you get from another faction lvl when switching you should focus on only one faction. And if it`s only the bonus-es that I described there is no point in training some other faction less than lvl 5. The damage reduction that you get cost`s you a lot. It`s easy-er to buy some rare equipment like Thiefs Set and raising your faction lvl on those with many faction but with not even one strong.

that it doesnt really matter having lower faction lv, but except wizs who need good mini arts, and maybe necros who have their skellies as main offence on lower lvls

and back to topic, for me, i will choose to switch faction :)
unless you really like the faction you're playing
If you do this about changing faction at high level, don't you get your rear end wooped for a long time?

I just changed from mage faction level 4 to top off my DE faction level to 3 (only 10 faction points to go) and then go back to mage, and I am really having trouble with hunts. It seems most of them are impossible, even with help I have lost a few.

I can imagine a level 10 player with 0 faction level to be severely hampered for a while, the long while it takes to raise faction level.

to change faction, first it need a lot of money, about 300k for level 8.

I have change faction from Elf to DE.

Now I try to make elf faction to level 8 then I will go back to play DE.

Need to suffer for while for the new faction.
I am planning to get faction lvl 5 to all factions then go back to necro. Still is very hard to do :(
You get bonusdefence 6%*lvl against troops you have factionlevel on, so if you have Knight lvl 6 and elf lvl 5 and currently plat knight, you get less damage from elfs..

Myself will play 2 factions Main-faction is knight but I will play elf aswell.
Correction, not 6%*lvl but 3%*lvl.
I think of the fun in this game is to try another fractions .. and yes .. At a high-level (8 or more) just try another fractions ... try to empower all fractions if u can so u can MASTER this game at whole ....

best regards,

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