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AuthorWhy no demon quests in merc quest?
There are no demon invaders, no demon army, no demon ambush, no demon 5 attempts. I would say, it is a kinda waste. When your merc point reaches to around 400, a lvl8 player has to reject most very tough merc quests until he gets monster or several groups of mobs quests. If demon quests are available, you might be easier to reach merc point 500. Why there are no demon quests? Or I am just unluky to get not a even one demon monster.
You're just unluky to get not a even one demon monster
Admins just don't bother to add new quests (which are already in russian server) to this server :(
good question.. i have been wanting to ask this for a while now. the russian server has the demon quests

refernece : http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.witchhammer.ru%2Fviewpage.php%3Fpage_i d%3D9+&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&sl=ru&tl=en

also we don't have vanguard of elf, vanguard of knight and vanguard of barb.

in the .ru server i have seen lv6/7 players do these quests so i don't think it has anything to do with getting to merc level 4 or 5... maybe these are yet to be introduced in the .com server
Yeahh some monsters are not implemented here ... and I REALLY WANT to face the Angels, Behemots and The Dragons .. as they are the undivided PART of this game and the UNDIVIDED part of the FOLK TALES....
also we don't have vanguard of elf, vanguard of knight and vanguard of barb.

We have vanguard of knight. I just fought one O.o
for gurumao:
I've seen lvl 5 against an army as example there (I don't remember which army). I just started these mercenary errands fulfilling 2 errands from there and I defeated the army of knights{0} and army of barbarians{0}. There are players (and all the respect for feminine players here) who won even against some harder army levels (see the mercenary guild topic). It's not easy, but not impossible even for level 5.
for Kiz:

We have vanguard of knight. I just fought one O.o

I reckon that was just a typing mistake. I know for a fact gurumao has done vanguard of knights as well. ;)
also we don't have vanguard of elf, vanguard of knight and vanguard of barb.

vanguard of knight

that was a really embarrassing typo *turns red* really sorry
we hav vanguard of elves too .. but i never saw any vanguard of babarians ... btw .. what are the differences between vanguard and army ?? thx a lot
in ru server demon are there, dunno when will it be here
vanguard of elves (note : Not Dark Elves)?? Are you sure?? new for me then. I never seen it, have the log? who we have to protect?
vanguard=protect someone in battlefield. if he lose, you lose
army= a lot of units in there, but you have 3 cumulative attempts to finish them all. the units you killed in 1st attempt wont be there in 2nd attempt. but for army necro, every attempt will increase their bowmen
demon is here.
but its a caravan.
it's not mercenary quest, it's theif quest.
we hav vanguard of elves too

no we don't
for TheHolyPaladin:

we hav vanguard of elves too

No we don't yet. And if you're so sure you're right, I'd like to see a log please.

for iron_eagle:

who we have to protect?

Vanguard of Elves is protection of Enchanted Gargoyles.

And just to add as extra info...Vanguard of Barbarians is protection of Shrews and Vanguard of Demons is protection of Dark Witches.
I have had "numerous stacks of imps." At least I think I did, it was a while ago and I don't really want to sift through all my battle logs ;p Though I'm still pretty sure I've seen it.
for ipslne:

We are talking about a demon army in a merc quest like banguard of Demons, Demon invaders or Army of Demons...of course, there are several quests with Demon units raids already on this server.
Typo above...meant vanguard not banguard:P
Ah I see ;) I guess I missed reading that first time around lol. Sorry.
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