Not many just a couple which already seem to exceed the 30% rule:
03-25-09 06:41: Received 22000 Gold 8 Gems 8 Crystals 8 Sulfur 15 Mercury 10 Ore from Ivanxy : transfering my fortune to other player bcause i am quiting
03-25-09 06:37: Received 7500 Gold 3 Sulfur 2 Ore 1 Wood from Ivanxy : helping out poor ppl
The interesting part is that abhay1 has already been warned by admins...
02-24-09 07:28: Player was imposed a penalty of 1000 gold. // Financially assisted by necroking11
02-24-09 07:25: Player was imposed a penalty of 3500 gold. // FInancially assisted by ROCKINGAAYUSH
...But it didn't stop the illegal transfers, far from it.