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AuthorAFK fix Idea
To help make sure players are Not AFK why not make the player leave battle before or during it when they loose connection,log out, or their browser/pc crashes that way they wont loose a battle and someone who is not able to play can take their place
any other suggestions?
uummhhh ya what if a player joins a group battle he/she has one minute to leave
I like the idea however, let's say a Dark Elf joins, gets half his troops killed and then goes afk. Another person will come in and take it's place, let's say that's a wizard joins the game, how do you decide how much troops he will get? they would need to make a whole system for rating an army troops and such.
umm no one would come into the battle they leave like now. but it would be the setup part where they would be taken out!
oh and it can be setup to be more then 1 min i was thinking like 3 to 5 minimum setting
AFK is really the worst thing that can happen in a group battle, since it will ruin the battle, hence waste 30-60 minutes for up to 5 other players. Going AFK can of course happen due to failing ISP or the like, but most of the time it happens because people don't take it seriously enough. My point is that it should have a lot bigger consequences than the current temp drawback in luck.

I suggest that anyone going AFK, should still have the temp drawback in luck, but the hero/lord should loose experience points. The loss should be in the region of 1% of amount required for the hero to gain one level.
Ex. A level 8 hero will need 400K XP to become level 9, so AFK should down him 4K XP.
it would be better that when someone becomes afk and is timed out, it shouldnt be -2 luck for 1 hour, but for longer period like 6 hours. And if luck is
negative cant go fighting.
for Repsak:
I suggest that anyone going AFK, should still have the temp drawback in luck, but the hero/lord should loose experience points. The loss should be in the region of 1% of amount required for the hero to gain one level.
Ex. A level 8 hero will need 400K XP to become level 9, so AFK should down him 4K XP.

There are players who would be willing to do anything just to lose experience...
Make it 'looss of fsp' and I'll vote for the idea.

i agree

what if when a person goes afk, a sort of computer or AI takes their place?

it wont be perfect, but it would help.
for Thor16:
good idea that way the battle would not be fully ruind
my edit for the idea: the troops of the player that is afk will be controld by AI like a d elf that has 10 rogues and 12 minos those troops will be controld by the AI
Boys...as u can see...there were many AFK solutions ( most of them were good ), but...always came same young child and told me...it's unfair, what if my mom turns me off, because a have to do some homework...and other ways.

I told many times, it ruins games..and a lot of my friends stopped playing it because they hate AFKers so much:)
yeah like i somtimes have to go afk because i lose connection or my mum wants to go on the comp and wont let me finish my game.and anyway if the player does go afk what happens like if i was doing a job that made me go afk then the comp started working my troops then i went back on.

well no the afk will be gone and there would not be an AI it would work just like it does now if you set it up as optional it would do just like it des now , or if it set to evenly it would be either 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 3 vs 3 wouldnt work since u cant go to 4 vs 4 yet.

just think what the game does know will do with this idea. just that you wont have to deal with an AFK
another way to see this as like optional if you have 4 player and one looses connection it would be 2 vs 1 or how ever it works out to be or like even would work like if it were 2 vs 2 and 1 went off line it would be 1 vs 1.

there would not be any A's entering the round.
why not give the AFKer a branding like putting <AFKER> behind his name when he creates or joins battles for 6 hours or so and give players the ability to kick him?
Because not all players are AFK, its their modem, their PC, or ETC.
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