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Bad news, and believable, which makes them worse :/

Mods' inactivity I noticed long time ago, even when there were twice more mods. This server could bring much more cash, if only admins made some effort to advertise and improve it. As it is, the number on-line will fall drasticaly soon...
for sjb50: haha,that would be a good prank

for misself: give me a translated russian message from russian server
yeah, and that is the last thing that we need. we strugle to get past 800 while .ru get 6000+ alot
2008-11-28 08:54:35

it's my vengeance for block:)

2008-11-28 08:50:50

.com is falling apart. good job on that. =D

im not gonna give the usernames cuz both r in russian
.ru gets 8000+ online easily in the evening, but that's really because of being over a year older (+all those mults) But I believe there easily could have been 1.5-2k by now, if the game was more developed. Because there are so many things easily implemented! I understand translating text quests may be dificult, but adding new missions to MG, that exist on .ru already? Would that be difficult to do? Or add that goddamned piece of map with facilities to produce high-level mage arts (of which we're out of stock already) >=/
lol, nwouldn't be difficult. would already have the all the codes done and bugs fixed. just needs translating
lol, yeah.

translate virtually EVERYTHING on .ru server and ta-da!
erlemar, which character that the admin says that you do "financial assist"? i dont see any. If it is kusika, then you dont break the rules...yet, because the time to return any arts or resources at most 1 month, but it happened at 24 november.
3.14. Large transfers without cause and description are prohibited. All debts must be returned one month after receiving, or else the transaction will be regarded as violation of par. 3.6
Translating from russian can be tricky :) You can't just shove the text in an on-line translator and get a readable story. But the rest...

I think now's the high time for a tournament, for people to take their minds of this. On ru 2nd BT ends on 5th Dec. We'll see if we get some nice event.

nah, scratch that part

We'll see if we get any freaking event =/
for Ampkit123:
well, thats alot of transfering and would be better if they did it abit slower

for iron_eagle:
yeah, was a stupid decition by admins
oh yeah, and autoban would be worse than a insane moderator. bammimg everybody that spoke english =p
lol I remmember someone was banned for asking help hunting _shrews_ lol
oh no the rule maker break the rules itself =(
it is as ppl say, rules are made to be broken, not to be obeyed.
then how admins supposed us not to break the rules if they break their own rules? I like this game and dont want to be disappointed because of this.
We'll see if we get any freaking event =/ and some answers from admins.
thats the only thing i care about is updates and events i just hope the next tourny is a non arts one
we just NEED a step in the right direction. like an announcement, even if that is all.
c'mon. it doesn't take a 13 year old to tell you that =p
we didint have anything for thxgiving either no turkey attacks
for sjb50:
who cares about turkey? =/ wee need major changes
but still they could have at least gave us something
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