Author | slowest monster |
what are the slowest monsters? Speed-wise and initiative-wise | wpage.php%3Fpage_id%3D9&usg=ALkJrhhqI7j25w4w2e1qRBF0cHN2Xfoshw
take a look here. it seems there are several with initiative 10 and speed 6. (in case u don't understand russian at all, monsters are the first tab form right to left) |
zombies. low speed. low initiative. and no chance for morale |
if you meant for hunting, yes, they are the slowest. but they get pretty speedy after 10 turns. |
lol. shrews get alittle speedy after 10 turns aswell x.x |
Actually after every 10 turns neutral monsters get 1 extra speed; nothing else. Zombies are the slowest while lizard cubs are the fastest. |
all the monsters get speedy after every 10 turns by 1 extra square. |
that doesn't apply for merc. am i right ? |
Merc quest monsters does receive 1 speed boost after every 10 turns as well. |
the slowest is gremlins . they have 3 speed and the fastest is frenzied griffins becuase they have 9 speed |
and lizard cubs have the same speed as rogues , griffins , wolf raiderds and enchanted gargoyles means 7 speed |