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AuthorHuman and phantom hybrid (faction idea)
welll really thees guys are really bad cos there nearly all incoporeal

Special abilty:abilty to hit other incopreals % chance goes higher.

each faction level gives you extra 5% chance to hit, until you get to faction level 9 you get and extra 45% chance to hit(you could lower it anyways,dosent seem unbalanced to me)

Tier 1/Upgrade
Phantom Human/Dark Phantom
Atk:2/Atk: 4
Def:3/Def 4
HP:2 /HP:4
Abilties:Incoporeal/Abilties: Incoporeal, Flying(well it doesnt actually fly,but it can phase tru obstacles like flying)

Tier 2/Upgrade
Phantom Infantry/Phantom Swordsman(im not sure)
ATK:4 / ATK:6
DEF:3 /DEF:5
HP:5 /HP:8

Post you comments,ill continue tommorow
to low hp how many you can have of each at level 1
the hp is fine they r incorpral
to low hp how many you can have of each at level 1

For to low hp:the hp is fine they r incorpral
How many for level 1? youll find out later, but at level one with max Phantom human you can have 16 phantom humans and 6 infantry.

the hp is fine they r incorpral
Well said.

btw,the faction skill only has a 50% chance to activate agaisnt incorporals


i forgot to completer tier 2,so here it is

Tier 2/Upgrade
Phantom Infantry/Phantom Swordsman
ATK:4 / ATK:6
DEF:3 /DEF:5
HP:5 /HP:8
abilties:incorporeal, rage/incorporeal,rage,flying

Tier 3/upgrade
Dark Bowmen/Phantom Shooters (it's hard to make the names.. this is not as easy as i thought)
ATK:7/ATK 9 (tell me if overbalenced)
Abbilties:Shooter.Incoporeal/shooter,incorporeal,ignore enemy defense 5%(means they ignore 5% of the enemys armor..)

Tier 4
Ghoulish Phantoms(the hybrids stop here.. :-()
DMG:6-11(hah, wasnt expecting that,right?
SPD:7(have a race with cerberi,lose,but have a fight with them,win)
INT:6(not that good)

now what?

Heres a few castle buildings:
Dark Barracks
This medium-sized barracks allow you to rercuit up to 17 Phantom Humans.

Upgrade of dark barracks:
Phantom Barracks
This huge barracks allow you to rercuit up to 20 Dark Phantoms.
COST: 6000 gold, 10 wood, 10 crystals,15 sulfur
A good idea. :)

Special abilty:abilty to hit other incopreals % chance goes higher.

each faction level gives you extra 5% chance to hit, until you get to faction level 9 you get and extra 45% chance to hit(you could lower it anyways,dosent seem unbalanced to me)

Then the Special ability will be useful only when you against another hybrid or ghost. I guess changing it to increase the chance % of incopreals will be better. higher lvl, higher chance to avoid a physical attack.

And a wizard/spell DE will kill you very easily, as incopreals is useless against magic. It's what you need to consider.
Then the Special ability will be useful only when you against another hybrid or ghost. I guess changing it to increase the chance % of incopreals will be better. higher lvl, higher chance to avoid a physical attack.

And a wizard/spell DE will kill you very easily, as incopreals is useless against magic. It's what you need to consider.

hm... then ill go with you with the special.
ill ponder the rates today or tommorow.

also,wizards spell magic...Pssh,now thats what im worrying. ill find some way to counter it
Ah, I got it! To avoid MAGIC killing your troops off, Ill put in a small thing:Magic Defense armour castle buildings! hehe,it might sound bad,but wait till you see it tommorow

Castle Buildings:

Troop Rercuit Buildings:

Dark Barracks
This medium-sized barracks allow you to rercuit up to 17 Phantom Humans.

Phantom Barracks

This huge barracks allow you to rercuit up to 20 Dark Phantoms.
COST: 6000 gold, 10 wood, 10 crystals,15 sulfur
Diamond cost:10

Barracks equipment:
These equipment will make you Phantom Humans easier to train,thus increasing the amount of rercuitable Phantom Humans to 23!

Shadow Swords Blacksmith
This blacksmith will create powerful shadow swords for your army,so you may rercuit up to 8 Phantom Infantry!

Training Hall
The training hall,combined with the Shadow Swords Blacksmith will allow you to
rercuit up to 13 Phantom Swordsmen!
COST:50,000 gold, 50 wood, 50 ore

Dark Archery Hall:
This hall allows to train and rercuit up to 12 Shadow Bowmen.
Cost:1000 gold

Bow and Arrow smith:
The bows and arrows crafted by this smith glisten with the aura darkness,allowing you to rercuit up to 16 shadow bowmen!
Cost:50,000 gold, 50 wood, 50 ore,10 crystals,10 mercury

Haunted House (lol,you bet its funny!)
This haunted house has the spirit of ghouls and phantoms accidently mixed, allowing you to rercuit 8 ghoulish phantoms onwards!
cost:6000 gold, 20 wood

well,thats all the units for now.

normal buildings:(this is copy and paste)
These market rows allow to post up to 3 lots on the common market.
cost: 500 gold, 5 wood

Increases inventory capacity by 5 items.
cost:2000 gold 10 wood 5 ore

Underground depot
These additional storing sites, situated under the warehouse, increase the inventory capacity by 10 more items.
cost:20000 gold,20 wood, 40 ore

The workshop for repairing and modifying artifacts.
cost:5000 gold, 5 ore

Fort walls provide defense for your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 25%.
cost:20000 gold, 20 wood, 20 ore

Citadel walls grant additional defense to your castle. Creature recruit count increases by 50%.
cost:80000 gold, 40 wood, 40 ore

special buildings: (like magic guild, exept this one has no magic guild)

Magic defense guild level 1:
Makes your troops have a 30% chance to avoid magic attacks
cost:5000 gold,5 wood

Magic defense guild level 2:
Has more advanced magic defense, making your troops having 50% chance to avoid magic!
cost:15000 gold 10 wood

Magic defense guild level 3
Has the most advanced magic defense power, so your troops have a 60% chacne to avoid magic!
cost:20000 gold, 10 wood, 5 ore

Much better:)

I was consider a similar magic protection yesterday: magic mirror.

Similar as wizard talenet, not only avoid magic but also mirror it to another target randomly. :)
thats a wizard's talent. you can find it in wizard talents.
anyways, i dont get to write a lot today

Faction skill:ahem,will give you 2% chance to magic mirror(why do i even have to take suggestions? lol) and gives you 2% chance to avoid phsicyal atks per level.
In case of magic mirror + magic defense come together,magic defense will be the one that is used.

BTW the morale was at 0 until now...

Tier 5:
Phantomised Chargers (like ghoulish phantoms, execpt more atk and less def, and there have higher int and spd)
INT:7(heh,this is specialah)
Abilities:Incorporeal,Flying(yay,charging thru rocks)

So we got some new units, eh?

Tier 4 Upgrade
Dark Phantouls

Upgraded Haunted House, this will allow you to rercuit up to 10 Dark Phantouls!

Tier 5:
can some one gimme a hand?
ill post this later, but ill need some ideas
i would say that u would have to reduce the numbers of stacks by 50%, cause they are incorperel
and castle constructions shouldn't be free
for tier 5 you could have spirit leeches, they are casters and can drain mana
Flying(well it doesnt actually fly,but it can phase tru obstacles like flying)

Teleporter ^^
i quit ;( too frikin hard. if no one wants to continue i can lock
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