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AuthorStop with unfair players in Group battles.
Rarely i join a group battle. Every time any players join the battle without read or respect the description, for ex:

I create a battle 2 vs 2, the description is "No artifacts".
My team is equipped with no arts and 2 other unfair players join with artifacts and we are forced to fight and lose.

1)Maybe an improvement to the battle system could solve this question. Like the duel system, the creator of the battle could accept or not the fight.

2)Otherwise a system that calculate AP and players with more AP than the description could not join. The creator impose max number of AP to join the battle (like level requires).
Ideas and suggestions proposed by players multiple times:

Introduce options for arts/no arts combat types. Technical impossibility to join the "wrong" combat type.
1)Maybe an improvement to the battle system could solve this question. Like the duel system, the creator of the battle could accept or not the fight.

Bad idea. The creator feels he might lose a battle, and cancels it. Will happen all the time.
i think the suggestion quiet good
im with no 3
for instance level 3 elf starts group battle 2 vs 2
a efl joins his team while 2 barbs join the other team
lev 3 elvs hate barb because orc have higher intitive and defense so elvs just bout always lose to barbs so in this case elf ends battle and a normal battle doesnt happen
an altenative would be to have no arts option when creating the battle same as what levels can join and how many players on each side that way people with arts couldnt join no arts battle same as kusika cant join level 3 battle
for Hyron:
stop crying noob, i'm waiting then will be the battles with ammunition points
I didn't know. I started playing this game 1 month ago.
I 've only did a question, and i'm a noob? Try pac-man man.
for Hyron:
sorry for noob. Stop crying
If you going without arts(don't spend gold), you have risks that enemies will be in fullarts. You earn gold, so spend it and don't worry about arts:)
for zub:
Stepped in RobinBad on .ru, hmm?
for Shebali:
No, i'm don't saying that allbody should to fight without arts, but without arts - it's also not good, all mining and production have no gold because of that. No deficit-->no speclating-->no money for third miniarts, for castles and so one. Or enroll on mining a half-year minimum)
*to fight in fullarts of course
for zub:
Eh, I know what you mean. The economy is dying - I hope AP appear soon.

Then people entering in no-art battles w/artifacts won't be a problem - 'cause there won't be 'no-art' battles anymore =)
my opinion:
the whole art/no art descusion is stupid
someone wears arts in battle so what
its part of the game!!!
if u dont have money for arts to bad
the arts are a part of the game they make battles more challanging and other good things
and its just a game
the arts are a part of the game they make battles more challanging and other good things and its just a game
"It's just a game" means that should be enjoyable for everyone, stated that no one break rules. If I enjoy fighting without arts and you impose me yours, guess who is breaking the rules?
But this discussion is pointless 'cause of munchkins whose "Don't cry you noob" battlecry is just annoying. Meanwhile, I join group battles only after seeing if others are respecting rules. Otherwise, only straight duels.

I support Hyron, his suggestion seems good to me.
his suggestion seems good to me.

Which one? The one that has been ofered multiple times already? Or the one in which battle starter can kick everyone out if he doesn't like the set-up?

If I enjoy fighting without arts and you impose me yours, guess who is breaking the rules?
No one, actually. 7. Combat description is just a request not obligation. And thus transgressing the combat description is not a violation of game rules.

As long as it's not introduced on programming level (and I doubt it will ever happenthat) the one way to make sure people will respect battle rules (as defined by battle starter) is to have in-clan battles. One such clan is Warriors' Guild, another (somewhat smaller and dedicated strictly to no-art battles) is Sonic Blaze.
If I enjoy fighting without arts and you impose me yours, guess who is breaking the rules?
No one, actually. 7. Combat description is just a request not obligation. And thus transgressing the combat description is not a violation of game rules.

Well, that's technically true BUT, in order for a game to be enjoyable by everyone there has to be respect to your fellow player as well as a sense of fair play. When someone starts a "no arts" battle you ought to respect his wish otherwise don't join. Entering such a battle with full arts just because there is no rule to forbid it doesn't make you cleverer or braver, it only makes you an annoying coward.

So, since some people tend have no respect at all I'm all for the idea of allowing players to force their desired amount of AP for a battle (something that, unless I'm mistaken is already considered and in the making... sort of...).
Entering such a battle with full arts just because there is no rule to forbid it doesn't make you cleverer or braver, it only makes you an annoying coward.

Some would argue that one who makes no-art battles is greedy/lasy, and spoils all fun for those who have gold and are willing to spend it on artifacts. (No, I'm not like that, I respect battle rules rare though my PvP battles may be)
Also, there's no balance in no-art battles. And of course a no-art battle with a wiz wearing triple mini-full is hardly fair. That's something to consider, too.

And yes, the idea of allowing players to force their desired amount of AP for a battle is among those that were suggested numerous times already (even if it's phrased differently in the sticky topic)
i am that admins create a system when u set set the max AP and with arts or no arts
Since the one idea that's improved by everyone can already be found here
I'm closing this topic.
closed by Shebali (2008-12-10 17:01:55)
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