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AuthorWhy do you think minimum AP for battle is bad for this game?
I disagree. Not nescessarily with the message of this post - but surely with the methods.

Why should people who think it is a good idea not post their opinions. Is it fair to make such a biased thread AND ask for the admins to pay attention to the arguments? I think not
41. er could it b because the topic was started to get negative feedbacks? you could start yer own topic 'Why do you think minimum AP for battle is good for this game?" =)

Anyway, I've posted my view on this issue in Off-game and i still disagree with the idea. After my 1st post, I was thinking to myself if everybody was just over reacting towards the new features hence I went to do some calculation. Feel free to correct me guys. =)

min AP for lvl 5 = 5.
sword of retribution (5 AP) = 8k gold for 40 durability
avg gold cost per weapon use (8000/40) = 200 gold
avg gold per hunt = 120 gold
avg gold per labor = 180 gold

assuming you do not do any hunt assist, PVP, MGQ, TGQ
nett gold accumulated per hour ((120+180)-200) = 100 gold (whoopeee)

combat level prize money (lvl 5) = 8800 gold
combat level prize resources (lvl 5) = approximately worth 5000 gold
total prize money (8800+5000) = 13500 - barely enough for castle construction

avg gold for lvl 5 construction upgrade = 30k gold
assuming no gambling or cards involved,
u need to invest (30000/100) = 300 hours for 1 upgrade
u need to invest (8000/100) = 80 hours for sword of retribution

so yea. this is the WAR. but who is the LORDS & whose MONEY?? =D~
thats not really correct
most level 5 people have laborers guild 3 or 4
that means when they enroll (175 dollar)
it is *2 or *2,5 so they get 350 or 438 gold

and enrolling + money from quests arent the only ways to get money
For example, if you level up you get a little bonus
If you hunt you also get lots of wood and ore (almost every hunt)
You can also sell these
And if you do a hunt, theres a chance you ll find an artefact
+ you can repair or sell your artefact, so you get even more gold back.

300 hours for 1 upgrade is really exaggerated
i am ok with the arts in combat idea but not in hunts that is a waist of my money i might feel objected to pass in hunts because it is too easy

thought that would never happen
to 42:

Your mathematics are wrong.

"worn out artifacts buyout rate is 65%, making you pay only 35% to completely restore a shop artifact".

So assuming a sword of retribution costs around 8000 gold, and has 40 charges, each charge will cost ( 8000 / 40 ) * 0.35 = 70 gold ( Not counting the initial investment needed but the initial investment would take place either way ).

Alternatively you can use some other item combination that might be even cheaper/battle and require less initial investment ( try Defender Shield + Steel Blade for example ).

The easy hunts will also disapear
Main reasons I disagree with AP rule:

1) Gold is already the main problem for me cause I don't play from work and I have a real life as well. This AP rule makes the gold problem worse. I have donated in the past and I will stop now. Under the new rules it requires a dozen labour hours to save some gold or to be completely based on donations.

2) AP rule causes problem in factions who are playing based on other competencies and are more gold consuming - especially wizards

3) AP rule eliminates hunt assistance

4) AP rule will cause less battles since they are costly and will slow game speed. It will also make the game boring due to long periods of lack of Gold and waiting. PvP will also shrink as costly in economy crisis ...

5) It seems that all players will have a surplus of XP and lack of GP. XP without GP is a problem and roulette is a quick way to become broke.

Tip to admins:
In order to keep the game balance -if the AP rule will stay- there should be at least an income increase from hunts and possibly a mandate of sharing in assistance. Also an increase in profit margins by any economy levers available.
If you think there are players playing to lose, ban them instead of banning playing hunt assistance. XP given in assistance is not bad idea neither altering somewhat -not that much- SP gains in lost battles
Easy hunting should also stay and simply diminish sp benefits from it ;)

If the income flow per hour does not increase, players number will shrink and eventually be limited to people who will be either paying a lot or eligible to log in more than 10hrs a day

Sorry for not being short,
to the admins
i totaly disagree with the rule of the AP
maybe YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED EVERYONE TO VOTE AND SEE WHICH IS THE MAJORITY AND WHAT THEY PREFER before making decesions which cause a lot of anger n hatred among the players due to the AP rule
i disagree with with having to use arts in hunts,pvp, and merc. but maybe if we got rid of durablitly for arts and made them last i think that would be a good idea kinda... im ok with having to use em in tournys and stuff like the dragon thing,but not for anything els,and ppl are starting to get a little greeding hunter items have gone up by like 1k
i dont like it too for hunts-pvp-and merc
i think so it would be better and much more player want to still play the game.
for Deathdevil:
i'm ok with it (not sure i am nearly lvl 5 :))
only for hunts the u can battle without arts or atleast 1 hunter master hunter or great hunter art equipd and the chance to get hunter arts should be increased but it isn't that bad i dont know if all ppl sell their arts when they have like 0/40 durability its cheaper to let them be repaird or repair them urself hunter arts are cheap to repair only 400 most good repair smits repair ur arts for %100 or less so the max cost to repair them is only 400 that isn't so bad
Why do you think another unneccessary restriction is a benefit for this game?
I use sword of retribution (5 AP) and Defender shield (3 AP) to deal with threshold of AP.
Sword of retribution cost 6440+369*4 = 7916, and defender shield cost is 3300.
Avg of point of durability is (7916+3300) /40 = 280.4.
My LG is Lv.4 and my SG is Lv.2, so I can earn X*2.5 gold, probably 422.5~575 gold per hour.
My cost will increase if repair two arts, avg of point of durability become (3040+1360) /8 = 550.
My income per hour is work and reward from hunt (probably 100~200 gold when win).
By above-mentioned, I cannot deposit when do one hunt and one work per hour, only if I decide to forgo promote my Lv. of SG..
In addition, MG mission’s reward is less than work, so I will suffer deficit financing if do one mission (probably under 100~200 gold when win) and one work per hour.
Do mission twice per hour wiil bring serious deficit financing.
i hate this rule because it will been if u have no money you will have to work and waste hours not playing the fun side of the game
I have nothing against minimum AP in player vs player battles, as I'm often using much more AP anyway and it's well rewarded with experience/skills. However I can't imagine hunting with these rules, it's pretty expensive to wear 5 AP per hunt at level 5 and it won't get much better at higher levels due to increasing AP and some slots/options are getting more expensive than other.

I'd really like some patch to be done to drop Art requirements for normal hunts.
Lets all just commit mass suicide!!! How can we live with such an AP rule?!?! *cries ironicly*

Come on, its just a game!
new mini-arts now are like a dream...
I have no cash, all my arts are for repair so I cannot battle at all and thus this game gets impossible to play for me. Frankly it more or less forces me to quit the game.
Suddenly I have to work in a factory or something for like two hours before I can fight anything. Suddenly I can't hunt or do merc quests I just log on go to work and log off. I can no longer just fight and when I do it costs a fortunate and if I lose it is all wasted. New system is terrible. Even if you do win the hunt the gold you win never makes up for the gold lost on artifacts
I find it hirlarious that ppl think the AP rule will kill PvP, at least at the high levels, you don't PvP without FULL ARTS that cost 50k gold. Lmao, talk about overreaction!

The only problem is if the eco does not recover after the war.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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