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AuthorPeople and there money making problems
I dont see where the problem in making money is. In the past day i have had my best arts repaired twice.

That is nearly 10000-12000 gold each time. Yet yesterday i had only 1400 gold now im on 7000. Its easy to make gold. Work to get you labourers guild up so you have higher productivety. And do mercenary battles and sell the elements to people.

i dont think this is a discussion thread i think this is more of a gloat
There is plenty of gold to be made -- whether you are just enrolling, or only hunting and merc-ing, or if you are only playing the market. Simple rule is, buy low, sell high. Now, there is even more demand for both artifacts and enchanted artifacts. So if you buy elements, it becomes an investment. If you spend money on repair, it's an investment. If you buy artifacts, machine goods, or mining materials, it's an investment. Even if you have no use for it, you can sell it to someone who does. No matter where you are on map, except new location, there is something you can buy that someone else will want. Something that you can get by sitting in one place, that someone else could get if they travelled. But will you go from the Glade to the East Bay just to pick up a mana tube, when you could buy one from the market for only a little more? Maybe so, if you are trying to save every last gold that you can. But when I have a tough hunt, I buy the things I need from the market, because traveling means losing the hunt.

People who gamble take the risk, I know because I gamble, and I lose. Sometimes I win, and that is why I keep gambling. But I try very hard not to bet more than I can afford to lose. Then when I lose, I have only myself to chastise. Between gambling, buying artifacts, working, and playing the market, I still have enough money to raise my repair skill and lay an occasional bet in the tavern.

New AP requirements are good. All the amulets of luck get snatched up quickly. If I can get only one, I can use it to 1/25, and then sell it on market for more than it is worth just auto-selling it -- because someone out there will be willing to buy it, repair it, and resell it for a profit. Just not me.

Gambling also a good thing, because people become so obsessed to win, they put their arts on the market for cheap so they sell fast, so they have gold to keep gambling. Keep your eyes open, there are always money-making opportunities -- especially when roulette is acting weird.
Can me somebody finally say something new, how to earn more gold after changes in new way, which I cannot used before?

Your hardly short of gold, I wouldn't have thought it was as much a problem to you as others. Your working well obviously but other people can't seem to be bothered to get work to earn gold. I have seen people on level 5 and higher who are still on level 1 labour guild or less...that's just lazy!!

If people would stop moaning and work out how much artifacts were going to cost them per battle to get the minimum AP's etc then they can work out how much they need to work and how many battles they can do in a given time. If they want a 'strong' set of arts for a hard battle then just battle less, until you've earned enough....simple. Hardly rocket science and what is the rush to battle so much that your spending all your earnings quicker than your receiving them? I don't seem to be having a problem but I am actually WORKING to earn gold unlike some of the moaning minnies on here.

Well said, I've made tens of thousands from just buying materials and restocking other facilities. I could have made more by using the market but I'm not that greedy and am trying to keep the facilities stocked up for other people to work. Thing is, some people just aren't worth helping as they want everything in life easy whether it be in a game or real life.
Your hardly short of gold

Don't worry about my money, it's not your thing. As you can see in my profile, sometimes(not last days) I'm merchant and I'm going to be merchant still. Almost every wizard is searching way to make money for terrible expensive miniarts. Because I suppose that I'm not bad merchant(I had profit from some buy/sell actions about 10k gold) I want to know, why should I have less money than before. I'm not bad in mathematics and I really know, what these changes means in financial situation mostly players

I'm really tired of people, who advice buy cheap, sell expensively, play this or that, go to this place...

All this possibilities were here BEFORE. Do you understand?
The point is that if people do all that, than they should not be short of gold just because of this rule. If you always work, you should have a high labour level, and more gold. This is for the people who didn't do this before. As you see, if someone does everything to make money, than they SHOULDN'T be without money. If they DO do everything and are without money, well than that's when we have a problem.
Anyone: have you ever think about someone who don't have enough money to buy, ofr example, crossbowmen upgrade? It costs a lot, and there's nothing you can do (a part from donate) to gain them except pray to win all of your fights and don't wastew your arts. Arts that you have to use always, because you (the knight, i mean) is one of the higher level.
i just tell my sis to play while i am gone for school
If you have to use arts ALWAYS, also for the most stupi hunts, you will surely don't have all the money for the xbowmen AND the monks (about 60k, with all the other resources).
25. Yes, nothing new under the sun. What has changed is the dynamic involved with people buying artifacts. Now if I buy nickel, I don't need to worry about having to buy an artifact in order to sell it. Demand is very high right now, there is almost nowhere you can go to see a facility which isn't looking for something. Point being here is that no matter where you are on old map, there is a chance to buy something which will be an easy sell. Even price of sulfur has risen to break-even prices, instead of loss like it used to be.

About miniarts: I thought they have no durability rating, meaning once you make them, they're permanent. Am I wrong?

You can't 'study' the history of roulette and use it to your advantage, unless the admins here have programmed a corrupt game. Its a random outcome, plain and simple.

What's the point of your advice ? To be a nerd ?
32: to be a good laborer

I find it "OK" to "work" meanwhile I get battles but it's nerdy to think about the game 24/7 and log in every hour just for pushing some weird code, is not it ?
yes it is

but i think and from my calculation,
working 4 hours a day enough to let u spend some minimum arts in hunting
What's about castle buildings ? Any chance to take part in official events ? to rent TGI ? to buy wizzard miniarts ?

Is it still possible to do anything, but hunting ? That's nonsense !

The math adds up badly. Atleast from my point of view. Where as I agree, there is no point in complaining about how hard/easy you can gain money, the game is what it is, but...

You have at best an average income of 500/h from labor or 12.000/day asuming you actually work 24/7.

your telling us that you repaired twice at aprox 20-24.000 gold, on top of that you gain about 5.000 gold. This would then sum up to an income of 25-29.000gold/day. Take away 12.000 and you will have to gain rougly 15k gold from other sources. Still asuming that you are working each and every hour...

So in short, I do belive that what you claim to have gained in 24 hours is possible, atleast at your lvl. But I realy dont belive that any of us wants the game to be exlusive to players with an ability to have that kind of activity (There wont be many left to play then :P ).

Only way to an "normal" player to have that kind of income is to actually use money or to be insanly lucky on the roulette.

that is what i am repeating since ap rule's comparison.
About miniarts: I thought they have no durability rating, meaning once you make them, they're permanent. Am I wrong?

Mini-artifacts have infinite durability.
Mini-artifacts are dismantled with a 10% commission.

From time to time(mostly with new racial lvl) you have to change them, you dismantle them and you lost 10% or their price. My actually miniarts costs 820k, when I dismantle them I gain 740k. The next miniarts will cost over 1000k. It's quite expensive entertainment, but when I save money, I can afford better miniarts which enable me fight in most of hunts, mercenaries... without arts. It's wizards cycle of using miniarts.

Every battle I'm forcing to wear arts(wizards arts are the most expensive) is wastage for me.

If you don't need to wear arts...wear the cheapest one's you can find per battle and just play!!

I can get more than enough AP points for the princely cost of less than 50 gold per battle once I sell them for the 65% return fee after I've used them. That's hardly going to bankrupt me or anyone!!

I nearly always use hunter arts which have really got expensive but I'm still making plenty of gold because I have put the time in to get my gold to where it is.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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