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AuthorWhy don't you help us on...
...a new location name?
See that cute waterfall above the East bay location? It will appear in the game one day (obviously), so we decided to make some kind of poll and have you choose the name for its location :)
If you like the name that has already sounded here, it's okay to say it again, but please try to keep it down to two suggestions per player.
The Administration will then choose the name we liked most, not necessarily the one with most votes. One limitation: make it belong to fantasy or landscape theme.
Tearfall would be my suggestion. although i hope ether me or somebody else comes up with something better :)
I'd offer 'Silver brook falls'.
The Deep Mountains
The Charming Water
Dagger Falls
-----Everfall---- (referring inderictly to the height of the mountain, by suggesting that should you jump from its peak, you would be falling forever)

-----Stormreach---- (no explanation needed... :p )

-----Ridge Birthright---- (accompanied by a story like--> "beneath the blah blah waterfall lies a deep wound in the land. Ancient battle of blah blah blah...that imprisoned the blah blah blah race for time untold. Ancient legends speak of the first king of the empire received the right to rule the empire from the gods themselves at that battle blah blah blah...) (dungeons and dragons like stuff :p )

Sorry for the three suggestions, just couldn't resist the temptation! :) If anybody actually likes the blah blah blah stuff, i could elaborate on them, and probably create an interesting story, but i don't know how many rpg elements and story background the admins would like to add to a strategy game :)
The Veil of Tears is a good one. I'll vote for that. :)

Thornheart gets the credit, though.
The Veil of Tears is a good one.

I was thinking about something like Shimmerveil, but was beaten with -veil part :P
The Veil of Tears is a good one.

I vote this one as well
i will name it lunar cascade because it is white like beautiful moon
Tears sound dramatic. There must have been a lot of weeping on that mountain. :P

I would go for something like the "Falls of ancient tears" hmmm... although "Weeping mountain" that I accidentally suggested above, or "Mourning peaks" perhaps, don't sound too bad either.
The whole mourning/crying/weeping theme may be a bit too pessimistic for admins' liking though :) Just a random thought :P
White Mountain
Dragons Perch
Heaven Fall

If you consider the seven white mountains as seven Angels. :D
Tears of Paradise
Heaven Fall

If you consider the seven white mountains as seven Angels. :D

Nice idea :)
It would help if you could give us an idea of what's there. I mean, we could all agree to call it "Angel Falls" but it would sound really weird if it's full of demons or something... XD
Mystical fountain.
Heaven Fall
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