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AuthorRelative army sizes
I've just made my first Duel challenge; I'm a Dark Elf, with a total of twelve in my army, but my opponent (also a first level character) had twenty-six (wolf riders & goblins) -- and I was knocked over immediately.

Am I doing something wrong, is Dark Elf especially weak, or is Barbarian especially strong?
Dark elf is especially strong if used right. Recruit as many Rogues as you can. Protect them with bandits and use bandits to remove retallation.

The barbarians goblins will die almost instantly from your rogues. and as for is wolf riders they are large creature if you plant bandits around your rogues they cant reach and your rogues can kill wolves very fast as they only have 10 life.
I compare the hit points:

rogue- 16, wolfrider- 10
bandit-10, goblins- 3

You can see that your troops' hit points are higher than barbarian:)
Thanks for the replies -- I'll give it a try.
closed by Arctic (2008-12-27 16:39:13)
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