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AuthorMercenary Guild
Does mercenary guild payout improves as you level?
no, the gold is random
But i think that the chance to get an element increases with each mercernary level
Mercenaries’ Guild
Level Pts Bonus
0 0 Meteorite shard, Toadstool
1 50 new elements
2 120 +1 primary skill, new elements
3 300 new elements
4 600 +1 primary skill, up to 2 elements as a reward
5 1000
6 1500 +1 primary skill
7 2200
the payout increase with the number of the mission
for example:
vanguard of wizard (10) will have more money than vanguard of wizard (0)
well, not so sure, but that's what happen to me
Aww man, the mercenary guild is making me go broke with it's tough missions.
Odd, aren't mercenaries supposed to get richer with each mission and not hope for a meteorite shard as a chance payout?
I really love bonuses at 5. and 7. level, nice work from developers :o)
Eh, so should I quit leveling this while I'm still ahead?
Merc guilds are slightly over even, in my history. If you're losing more than 1/4 of the battles or need full arts, you may want to hold off a bit.
you can get merc guild 1 at level 5 and merc guild 2 at level 6
And for most quests you have an idea before you start if you can win or not
For example, if it was really close with vanguards of knight {7} then you shouldnt try 8
Yay just bagged a meteorite shard ^^

Guess I'll carry on with business
Shouldn't this close by now? O_o
Did you know that you can also lock your own threads ^_^?
Oh, I'm blind, sorry XD
closed by RagingBear (2008-12-30 20:10:15)
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