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Firstly I have to congratulate admins for creating a great economy in this game. I've never seen something so perfect.
It's completely self sufficient.

I would only ask you to stop filling facilities with resources. Or at least do it in a bit smaller packages. It's not necessary. If they want more resources than they can make them. I know that a lot (and i mean A LOT) of players are complaining that they can't find them in mines and have to buy it in the market at higher price but why do they make such a big deal about it. When you want a banana you don't go to Africa to get it but you go to the nearest supermarket and buy it.

I realize that I probably won't get many friends with this thread but i think it's better without those extra resources coming from nowhere. Don't spoil us :)

And to prevent monopoly that image code when you're buying stuff would do just great.
I've never had a problem with resoures I dont mind buying them at the market. Thats worked fine for me without too much mark up anyway. The only problem is Im finding it hard to keep fighting. I cant afford to hunt because im constantly having to buy arts. And i cant afford any big ones. I work when i can but its not enough too keep going.

If any one has suggestions im listening because i cant keep up.
i hunt only if hunt gives me more than 110 gold because minimum AP costs me 110 gold for battle , and i almost had 99% my hunts more than 110 gold as a gift . his is good , i will not complain anymore and about economy it is good, the most important is to find work :)
im only getting about 90 gold a hunt. And i havent found one art in the last 15 or so battles. Im going negative on every hunt.
500 gold shield 2 to 3 times because only 5-7 battles i lose sometimes
500 gold axe
600 gold armour
1500 gld helmet
plus ore and wood for about 750 more

for roughly 3250 i can fight about will say 25 hunts if i win every time.

thats minus about 750 gold and then i cant save for future castle developments or upgrades. If someone has answer pls help.
Varus, you are 100% correct.

Ltdad65, you should take into account that once you purchase the equipment you need and wear it down to durability 0; you can resell it for approx. 65% the original price. That's a good head-start on re-buying your arts!

If you're working on your smithing guild and get it up to 50% repair efficiency and repair it once you are getting even more out of each art. However getting your smithing guild up is expensive in the first place, so I would not recommend it.
go to this link , and my advice bring a defender's shield and the axe everytime when durability zero sell the shield and axe and buy new . try to buy the shield from the factory which is really hard .
hunts pay off quite nicely because you usually get around 100 gold and an artifact here and there for some extra money.
thanks for advice because right now im out of it for a least 2-3 hours while i work up some gold.
Axe + leather armor + Medal of Honor works great for elves. It's under 45 gold per usage. At level 6, add in a round shield, for 58. Since your opponent's offense is probably a lot higher than your defense, the morale is a much bigger help.

Stay away from helmets, boots, and rings, of a non-Hunting variety.
i hadnt thought about that medal of honor ill look into it.
All the suggestions for arts are very good. I don't think leather armor was mentioned though.

And if you get any arts from your hunts, I suggest selling them on the market to get gold to buy other arts. The hunting arts cost more per AP than the above mentioned arts.
did u mean "medal of bravery" i cant find "medal of honor"
Sorry, meant Medal of Bravery, you're right.

I'm afraid for a Medal of Honor, you'll have to get it in real life. :)
no thanks to much real dying in that.
*guffaw*..well if there is anyone being spoilt by the admins, it's the merchant vultures! i saw about 4600 gems in the mine yesterday, now there are none. plenty of them in the market though, but i would rather wait until shift changeover and buy my own, than give aa penny to the profit merchants.

IMO admins should just flood each mine with 1000 000 000 000 resources. that should put the vultures out of business and allow me to get on with my game

good day :)
Totally agree with #15 , storm that's the solution
Admins please flood all mines with with zilions of resources and if possible magic powder facility as well

It seems that mercury is vanished in 1 hr for second time,
Gems in 4-6 hrs, Ore takes a day as well as crystals

Few thousand flooding not enough :-)
Varus, sorry to say that you are wrong.

The added resources were really needed, and they still are.

Although there is nothing wrong in being a merchant as you and other do, all the ressources were going into the market, and none to the factories.

This was leading to a complete stop of the productions, and obviously the situation couldn't last for long if we wanted the game to keep going on.

So, if you and other merchants don't want this artificial filling to happen again, just take some of those ressources to the factories.

Once they all are set to go, you will all be free to sell to other players the leftovers at your leisure.

But the factories *MUST* turn, or else the game stops.

Understood? ;)

Oh don't worry about that one, telca. We paying customers will be the one forking out the dough to run the machines or else we will die.
18 - it doesn't work.

Simply because most players can't afford to buy raws for working in a factory that would pay them less than the price it costed them to enroll (at the begining labour guild is 0), so they just go and settle for working somewhere else, like sulphur dune or sawmills.

That system has been tried for the past weeks, and the result was that almost all of the factories went almost out of business.

Even the ones that don't require mercury and/or its derivatives were starting to get short in raws.

The artifacts were not produced, and stocks were going down.

This is the reason why admins did what they did.

The market *IS* there to make profit, but gamers need to be a little more self-conscient.

Say, selling half-half between factories and market might just be enough to prevent future interference from the upper levels.

Pheraps a little more, pheraps a little less.. but so far we were close to 0/100..

P.S.: yes, i did see the sarcasm of your post.. but i rather try pedagogy :D

If you had followed the statements I made in the 200+ post topic you would know I'm being sarcastic. Obviously, if we had to do that, then we are just getting poo rubbed in our face my merchants.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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