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AuthorHilarious...ambush goes wrong
The funniest battle ever, for me:


Firstly he gets 2 lucky hits (luck =1), then a whole plethora of morale hits...check it out, at one point he gets seven 'bursting for more action' in a row...in effect doubling the size of his army. not bad huh? just wondering if i should bother playing, if this is what it will be like in the future
He has a morale of 4. I've never experience it but something tells me that would make them very dangerous anyway.
LOL , He had 4 morale , what did you expect ? Oh come on , don't quit this game just because of this isolated incident . It just so happened ; coincidence , that's all .

BTW , surely you would know that the luck calculation is separate for each stack , right ? So , the server computers must have bumped an algorithm or something , thereby giving him 2 luck hits with just 1 luck . As for the morale thing , it's 4 , what did you expect ? If you had bumped into an elf with 4 luck , nobody would be surprised if every hit had luck ...
Supposedly, Morale 4 has a 40% chance of getting a happy each turn. In fact, I think it's about 55%*. So it's not that shocking.

*40% chance on turn 1. If succeeds the morale check, still about 40% on turn 2. If it fails, then 70% on turn 2.

Well...maybe it's just that I value skill more than luck and random intervention?
Well... In a real war luck is involved as well as tactic so this game is just trying to be realistic?

I'm not too sure...
It is RANDOM man ... This is a GAME . then just hav fun .. U lost, It doesn't mean that u r a bad player .. U r good, Just UNLUCKY ..

Best regards,


I ever desired to quit this game Because I planned to Be the UNDEFEATED at level 1 - 4 ... But I couldn't .. But My friend Told me not to quit and gave me some morale support ...

Now, I know NO ONE IS PERFECT ...
Thanks peeps but it isn't about my self-image or my own perfection...it's about trying to find a game where skill and tactical decisions are not horrendously overridden by randomness. I like to be able to plan each move based on my opponents positions, strengths and weaknesses and those of my own...all of which becomes pointless if your opponent gets twice as many turns as you due to 'random intervention'.
that incident doesn't always happen, right? increased morale means increased probability of morale befallen to the unit. unpredictable thing is what making this life is more colourful I think..u can hope that everything moves according to your plan, but in reality there is X factor that you can't predict..
^^ It's random factor that make things more interesting and if you like to plan in real life then you know that something 'random intervention' always happened and there's nothing you can do about it except react quikly to the new situation.

Doesn't the fact that he used his skill by equipping his hero properly, thus following a tactic that gave him a chance to win agains much stronger opponents than he (like you), sounds very little like "random intervention"?

Everyone can calculate probabilities since the % are shown in the artifact descriptions. Then it's like betting: either one goes for the low, sure ones, as you do with the arts you chose, or he takes risks, that may pay or not, like he did.

I say he played better than you, because he found a way to maximise his chances..

Then if you only want pure strength to always win.. Boring, isn't it? ;)
re 9, 10:

Er...yes, but my point is that battles should not be decided by randomness. You seem to think I am merely complaining about the existence of random factors; I am not.
^^ It's not a decisive if u can counter it :)
But things can go out of control and the best u can do is just learn smthing from it.
12-31-08 19:02: • rashad[8] vs willtan[8]
same against willtan and i lost , it is not a big problem , look what he wears men, and as a wizard i think it is too hard for u to defeat a dark elf that is near u like this battle, shrewa and lizards will kill 50% of ur arm before u start then what will u do ? run with ur garg ? u spell won't do much damage as his army on ur gargs , common it is normal .
Dead right Jeverag. The bottom line is that there is nothing in my arsenal or inventory which can counter an opponent who effectively gets two moves for my one, for each of his creatures. It reminds me of fighting barbarians: simply impossible to beat as a wizard.

re 11: Blimey what a load of tripe. You're trying to suggest I didn't 'equip properly', yet I was wearing full arts, as much as I can afford. And how am I a 'much stronger opponent'? He is the same CL as me, and even had stronger arts with enchantments. What planet are you on? I suppose the fact that you are level 5 might excuse your comment. Admins, may I suggest that the creator of a topic has the option to allow only players of equal or higher combat level to reply, thus preventing lower-level players from spamming the thread with irrelevant comments. Cheers
LOL Rashad: it's not a problem, but it defeats the point of the game. Which, again, is my point.
you won't win this full art DE in ambush, not just becoz of random numbers.
17: enlighten us..

not that you didn't equip properly; that you choose a steady, low risk path, where you always have total control of your army power, while he chose one where, by taking some risks (not many, if you study probabilities), could optimize his attacks.

Stronger than him basicly, and indeed the difference was made by the arts that both were wearing (wich was all my point), not by "randomness" like you seem to suggest.

(not going to answer to the "level 5" comment..)
19: A 'steady, low risk path'...what do you mean? Stronger than him..how?

Again you miss my point, which is that the arts he wore enabled him to carry out at least 30 moves in the combat, whereas I was limited to around 10. This would not have changed if I was wearing identical arts.
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