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Authorbest faction
whats best faction for lvl3
De or Knight in my opinion. Minos are really powerful for melee or swordsmen are really hard to kill with ranged units.
i need an alternitive price
but at level 5 De's can be kinda weak
ya i have lvl 5 but ap rule
and use them to transfer money to this account = ="
that is illegal u know?

by the way i think elf is the best in lvl 3 and 4
what about lvl 5 what is best faction
well... at level 5 factoins may be weak agaianst 1 and be strong to a different 1

at level 5 i was strong against elfs and des but weak against barbs and knights
lvl 5 ide say necros imho there vampires can be a pain in the butt, but this is just from a bararians point of veiw.
the vamps is ok if barbs have hobgoblin, a mighty strike can be painful to them, and if they die, use ogre to stand on it so it cant be raised XD
wizards can have some advantages over necros at level 5 gargs and golems dont have blood and we have powerdul magic that always hits ghost
lvl 5... i think barb or necro
Level 1-2 = Mage / DE
Level 3-4 = DE / Knight
Level 5-6 = Knight / Elf
Level 7 = Knight / Barb
Level 8 = DE / Knight / Barb
Level 9-10 = Knight / Barb / Demon
I pretty much crushed all my opposition in lvl 3 duels as a barb. Perhaps I struggle some with knights but others are a breeze mostly because of the highly versatile orcs making a debut.
The point of this game is there should be no such thing like the BEST faction.
I disagree w masterTI

Lv 5-6
necros is strongest.
reviving and skeletal bowman is too much for any other fraction.
rarely lose a pvp fight.

Lv 7= Demon/Barb

Lv 8= DE/Knight
to Omega22:

though u have to agree tat some fraction is best at some lv,
example: elf bowman in early lv give elf too much an advantage
and necros sucks at lv 1-2...

so I tink the author meant tat which fraction is at its best in which lv.
Yes agree. There are differences, but for each faction at each level there is a chance to play well and find some tactic. Its more like some certain factions are good at different types of battle and against different enemies.
In my personal experince I think that demon is the best faction in lvl 1. The reason is that they have 3 instant wins - wizard, DE and necro - by taking 6 mana from them with 6 stacks of imps. Then there are just too many HPs in those demons for the enemy to deal with. Furthermore elf and knight suck big time in lvl 1 so they are also given wins. That only leaves the mirror match and barbarian to worry about.

...In lvl 2 it gets a little trickier if wiz, DE and necro have 2 knowledge. Never the less I managed a track record of 23-1 before reaching lvl 3...and then demon dies, hehe.

Apart from that I agree with Omega22 in #15 and #18. There is a balance and depending on if you play PvP or merc quest or whatever, some factions are better than others in specific lvls and in other lvls it's turned around.
i agree with stevelawler
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