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AuthorYesterday I dreamed that...
the thieves have new ability to steal arts from other players XD

and peoples start complaining this at the forum everywhere,lol..

if this happen, really a nightmare,can be worst ever.
lol ^^
I wonder how did you wake up at all seeing this of a nightmare ^_^
steal arts from other player

Thats bad,but hopefull it dosent happen
I,m sure it won't happen its too bad to be true ,lol.
then again...it may be implemented :D
i hope its not ever hapenning
O_O DONT say that!
haha, if this really happen, I think many players will leave this game..

so assume it won't will happen XD
To add some interesting factors:

The thief has 50% chance of failure.
And when he fails, he will lost all his artifacts, and get banned (prison) for 1 month.

Now.. do you still want to steal or not ? lol...
lock this post before admins see it and appreciate this idea
!!!!!!heart attack didnt notice the word dream !!!! thought that it was real for a sec! X_X
Hope you have better to dream about, maybe a beatiful girl ;)
Oh ya.And you will kill for a mithril art?I WILL!!Ha ha ha.

Hope you have better to dream about, maybe a beatiful girl ;)

I will love to except I never meet a beautiful 1 in my life.(Ha ha ha just joking I meet several before.Thinking that all the girls I met are fat and ugly?No way).
for Kasim:xD try to pay more attention before u actually wind up in a hospital :P
for h4nd:
maybe some stage,for example:
lvl1 TG can steal arts with max 5AP
lvl2 TG can steal arts with max 8AP..and following.
the higher lvl of TG, when fail thief operation, get longer ban,LOL

for Luckas:
I hope I'll, don't know why I dreamed such bad thing though.
higher lvl of TG, when fail thief operation, get longer ban,

then give them a chance "steal or no steal". XD
closed by Arctic (2009-01-04 12:58:59)
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