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   Forums-->Ideas and suggestions-->

AuthorA bunch of random ideas ^.^ add urs to
Blah im going in a battle in a minute to im ganna come back and add more...

----Group battle----
I think its sucks when u lose because ur parters arent good enough id like to suggest that the person on the losing team that does the best gets a bonus

---- Non ranked fights ----
I like to battle with freinds i donthowever like it adding a defeat onto my record.. how about a non ranked duel option or something huh? cmon it doesnt even need to add skill points...
May I suggest you read IaS local rules first?
May i suggest theese are simple ideas people want under one topic, no random talking? lol, i cant read any set of rules or terms of agreement fully, BUT i did make it like half way... o_O


------------ Siggy`s ----------
Yeah how about official signatures to posts?
Id like to leave a tiny animation of a squirrel dancing every time i post but right now that isnt possible...

------------ Topic creators -------
We have the ability to lock topics but not delete wuts up with that????
People can still view and its anoying...
And how about the ability to delete posts?
if someone writes something dumb and wants to take it back they should... (previded its latest post...)

----------- Artifact idea ^.^ ----------
How about some really strong 2 handed weapons? +5 atk - 3 def for lv 6 ppl or something? (yes this idea is random and not that good but seeing a claymore yeah thats a sword name would be awsome..)

-------------- Clan idea... ----------------
Well the thing about clan is... you dont need em... theyre mostly for discounts and cheaper rentals and thief invites...

How about a clan spotlight ^>^ theyre pic gets put on home page or something?

-------------- Playlists --------------
Well we have photo albums... why not playlists?
I love music and having this and youtube or windows media up is anoying, asking for the ability to change song in game may be pushing it but its worth a try.
---------------- Black List ---------------

ooooh also how about a real blacklist?? meaning they cant join ur games and u cant join thiers ^.^ also there cant be any interactions between em
ooh just read the readme... (i didnt notice it for some reason before)

id like to apologize (not really but i am) to admins n mods

Ideas and suggestions proposed by players multiple times:
(just wanna clarify some things about my post)

4. Create a game client and introduce soundtracks.
Close to my playlist idea... but i was thinking more ingame.. not for show and we would get our own music....

6. Birthday presents to players.
This can already be done... as long as its less then 30% of current wealth

10. Editing one's own message at the forum and closing one's own threads.
Okay i pritty much made the same suggestion... my bad...

Sorry about all of wutever... my bad...
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