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AuthorLease not returned in time
12-15-08 04:13: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to FoJo . Transaction price: 2 Gold
12-15-08 04:12: Transferred 1 Gold to FoJo : Failure to do so, penalty of 600.000
12-15-08 04:11: Transferred 1 Gold to FoJo : TGI to be returned in 2 weeks with 2 first thief arts

As we can see he is now not far away from 2 weeks overdue, he yet has only completed 50 ambushes and when i asked him for the first thief item this was his reply.

Date: 2009-01-08 03:29:36

From: Hatred

To: FoJo


only 70 to go then :)

send me over the thief art pls

Date: 2009-01-08 03:39:33

From: FoJo

To: Hatred


send you the thief art?

Date: 2009-01-08 03:51:11

From: Hatred

To: FoJo

Subject: Re:

lol, ofcourse, i paid 500k for that TGI when renting out i ask for the 2 first thief arts which everyone who is renting out does, do you think you are renting it for free lol?

Its specified in your transfer log and in clan messages.

That has always been in the picture yes.

Date: 2009-01-08 03:53:51

From: Hatred

To: FoJo


12-15-08 04:13: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to FoJo . Transaction price: 2 Gold
12-15-08 04:12: Transferred 1 Gold to FoJo : Failure to do so, penalty of 600.000
12-15-08 04:11: Transferred 1 Gold to FoJo : TGI to be returned in 2 weeks with 2 first thief arts

You are already almost 2 weeks over due, i could have you banned if you wish.

What you get out of renting TGI, well there is more then 2 levels in the TG, on level 4 you recieve your own TG to rent out, you get an additional intiative point + 1 thief art for each level you gain.

Date: 2009-01-08 04:19:31

From: FoJo

To: Hatred

Subject: Re:

haha yeah get me banned i dont take threats well... so lemme get this right... i do all the battles.. pay 10000+ gold for arts fighting the battles.. so that i can give you the theif arts and the tgi back when im level 2? what in gods name would be the point of that for me? how on earth does that make since that i do all of that so that and spend all that time and money just so you get the 2 arts and the tgi back? you will get the tgi back when im level 2 but thgere is no way i am giving you the arts.. i would not have wasted my time and money just gettoing you new artifacts.. also keep the 9000 gold you owe me and the gold i gave you for the tournament wich hasnt happened yet and i will be leaving the clan.. lol thats funny man
Part of clan message sent a while ago:

Date: 2008-12-01 21:59:34

From: Hatred

Subject: Wrasth of Abraxas

Thief invitation que looks like this atm:

Next - Fojo
Oysar (need confirmation)
rashad (need confirmation)
lobsterkid (need confirmation)

The price for renting TGI has changed, i wont charge any gold to clan members renting the TGI. If completed within 1 week i will charge the first thief artifact, if completed in 8 days - 2 weeks it will cost you the 2 first thief arts. If you are planning to take longer time then this you will end up further down in the Que.
And fojos claims about tourney gold in his last message:

12-25-08 12:15: Received 2500 Gold from Regme : Tournament entry fee (tournament canceled due to lack of participants)

The 9k gold he is talking about was the ammount of gold i gave him for recruiting people to the clan, while i was away for 2 months he got two members to the clan, which i kicked out again because they did not fulfill our reqs, so they never had my aprovment and naturally i did not pay him for them.
There is also a whole lot of suspicious trades in Fojos transfer log, character fobarian and brofreak seems to be 2 farmers of his.
Date: 2009-01-08 06:11:02

From: FoJo

To: Hatred

Subject: Re(8):

i was confused... thief art sent

01-08-09 06:10: Received item(s): 'Thief amulet' [60/60] from FoJo

I guess we can put this on hold for about a week or so and see what happends.
just to clear up what rule(s) it was against

3.17. The Administration does not take responsibility for the unreturned debts and does not guarantee compensation in case of swindling by other players. When a loan is not returned in time, (the time must be written in the transfer logs) the swindler will be imposed a penalty of a sum twice as much. If the term isn't posted in the transfer logs, the penalty will occur 1 month after the loan transaction. The creditor does not get compensation.
3.18. The Administration keeps a right to cease access to the game to any player who hinders the gameplay, deceives or swindles other lawful players.
I guess we can put this on hold for about a week or so and see what happends.

You might want to close the topic for now. If sweeper finds it, he might block the debter first, read the last post later.
If things get difficult with FoJo just pm a mod and ask to open the topic again.
ok, thx shebali, will do
closed by Shebali (2009-01-08 13:01:32)
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