Author | would you rather |
this game is played like this:
Player 1:
WOuld you rather jump or duck?
Player 2:
would you rather win a pvp or group battle?
Player 3:pvp
(and so on)
i will start
WOuld you rtaher get banned or lose a stake of 2000 gold? |
when you say ban, is that block from the game? or a chat or forum ban? if block, lose the gold, if chat/forum ban, wouldn't be the 1st time i was banned =p.
would you rather have more exp or skill points? |
how much? and probably skill points.
Would you rather be a repairer or a enchanter? |
^^ Repairer, if want to waste a lot of time and money ;P
>>> Would u rather 've a lot of luck or initiative? |
luck luck luck:)
Muffins or cookies? |
^^ Err, typo, i mean 'morale' except 4 necro :D
Muffins or cookies? Both :P |
Would you rather get blocked or have your computer explode? |
Would you rather get blocked or have your computer explode?
block of course
would u rather b rich or b the strongest player in this game? |
richest because if i became the strongest and poor i cant play lol
would u rather to be a zombie or a skeleton |
Skeleton as we become skel bow one of the most formidable unit
Would u ratherbuy arts with money or waste it in roulette ? |
would u rather die by drowing or in a fire? |
*drowning |
anyone of them after all i am a necromancer so i will come back Muahahahaha
would you rather be a death knight or a necromancer |
dead knight(yes,dead knight)
would you rather jump off a cliff or slash yourself with a sword? |
jump off a cliff as long as its only 10 feet tall!
would u rather be able to fly or have super strength? |
would u rather die or get tortured (and live)? |
tortured alive with a feather lol
would you rather to eat squirrel sandwich or hydra pie |
hydra pie good would u rather take a nail file run it though your teeth are kick a basketball with a toothpick in your toenail? |
if by toothbick you mean splinter then yes,
get cut in half by a toenail clipper or lose to a level 1
(should go in "you know your addicted when) |
kill a hydra (not the de unit)
join my clan |