Author | MAP |
Why is there a ridge of hope if there is no jobs and nothing there? |
to hunt dragons ^^ |
Your Majesty,
Our troops have successfully been dismissed and returned to their dwellings. Current situation in Ridge of Hope remains military. It is impossible to say how many Dragon clans we have vanquished; I might as equally suggest they were ninety nine percent as that they were a sore one percent. One thing I can promise for sure: any Lord stationed anywhere in Ridge of Hope is in full danger of being counter-attacked. Hence, at the moment there is no possibility to develop strategic or economical facilities anywhere beyond the border line of East Bay. Upon terminating the campaign I have personally commanded to increase Pier security garrison..."
Read this and u will understand |
you u were doing Mercenaries' guild why do you have to walk up and down like yellow tale to east bay that just so boring don't you think? |
So 99% of dragons were destroyed or left? And to fight the dragons do you have to walk back and forth and it will happen or do you just post up at the ridge and wait. Also, is there a certain level you have to be to fight the dragons? |