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AuthorCleaning up Q&H and GGF...
I have an idea on how to get people to read the FAQ and Rules threads before they post in the forums. I'm sure most of us are aware and a bit annoyed by the plethora of redundant threads from new players. Not that I'm knocking them, I just wish they would look for the answers first.

SO! I have devised a plan that I hope could be put to use. When a new player reaches level 3, they will have the option to take a test with random questions based on the FAQ and Rules. If they pass they will be given a license to post in the forums.

This way when a redundant thread is created it can be immediately locked without further discussion.

Furthermore this could be implemented into the game in the form of a Council's Guild. "They" will be the manager's of the forum and the administers of the test. If rules are broken too often a license could be revoked and the perpetrator would have to return to the Council's Guild to retake the exam.

As to not discriminate old players from new, if this were to be implemented, all of the current players would be required to obtain a license to post in the forums (attending the forums would not be restricted, only posting).
Quite nice idea and it should be allowed during the test to look FAQ and rules sections. Even though that is essentially cheating, it would teach people how to search for the answer they want.
Of course, I would not restrict them from using the resources... as that would defeat the purpose :)
Hmm... no more feedback on the subject?
this was actually suggested. though mods saw no real reson to delete them due to having an FAQ forum + a search
the idea is good, but if you dont pass the test, you cant post on the forum at all is maybe a bit too radical

For example, what happens if the test wont load, there is a mistake in it, or people have questions about the test. Then they cant do anything.....
Maybe if it was more like a bonus? Like, take the test and get 0.5-3k depending on result. This would be a good encouragement for low-level players, I think...
0.5-3k depending on result
why not make it like the sphynx challenge, people can choose between FSP, EXP and GOLD
Failing the test shouldn't deny access to the forums permanently. I would say they can take it an unlimited number of times. The questions will be randomized anyways, and with a large enough question bank there should be a problem with "guessing."

Besides, the idea isn't to restrict access to the forums; it is only a way to make sure that everyone who posts has viewed the rules and FAQ.
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