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AuthorLevel 9 Demons!
Please post your scores. Only 15 of us, so we can get a pretty reliable scoreboard going if we all participate :)

I got 33650. 6/7 attempts. ^^
err..bump xD
Demons are pretty shy it seems :P
Amount of attempts: 7 (2)
Highest score: [Demon] 32026
for Shebali:

we are)))
I played demons at first attemp ( the prior 2 is dark elf), and got 33537 points.

I think with ceberi will kill much more.
Gee thanks Chenlong, you play demons as you non-main faction and beat us all out. You make us feel so good.

jk jk :P
Actually, Chenlong's demon faction level is 5, so he's not that much weaker. And his Necro level 6 would help defend against those L10 ghosts.

As for me, 6 attempts down, 1 to go.

Lowest score so far: 33039

Cause of defeat:
* green dragons 3x
* bone dragons 2x
* twilight dragons 1x

I'm beginning to think these dragons have an attitude problem.

I'll pass on my high score after my final attempt...
just finished my last try:

Amount of attempts: 7 (7)
Highest score: [Demon] 36706

I never reached the twilight dragons :( my army was each time too weak to win against bone dragons!
7 attempts completed.

Make that 3x for defeat by the bone dragons. :(

High score: 43556 (w/maximum possible 18000 exp and 2.0 skill points)

That dragon gauntlet (waves 14-16) is just nasty.
So far, it looks like we have:

1. Khaoz -- 43556
2. JoseyWales -- 36706
3. Xerfer -- 33650
4. Chenlong -- 33537
5. Justix -- 32026
hmm, i think i'll be second
cant defeat the cerberi...

dont know how could u do that khaoz, 43556 :(
ah, nice thread...

i guess i am the weakest demon...

7 attempts, 33900 score the highest.. :(
Come on aRU what'd you get?? Share :))
about 1k less than khaoz...
and only last 2 attempts

I'm just half demon but,
Just 1 atempt so far : 32211 score
1. Khaoz -- 43556
2. [aRU]
3. JoseyWales -- 36706
4. Xerfer -- 33650
5. Ganz -- 33900
6. Chenlong -- 33537
7. Cipa -- 32211
8. Justix -- 32026
42737, 4x39 ghost is a test of luck. Lost too many horses in this round, otherwise, have a chance to beat Khaoz :)
Wow, that's too close for comfort. :) aRU still has two more tries to go. Assuming aRU's best score so far was in the 42300-42700 range:

1. Khaoz -- 43556
2. soulmagic -- 42737
3. [aRU -- 4????]
4. JoseyWales -- 36706
5. Xerfer -- 33650
6. Ganz -- 33900
7. Chenlong -- 33537
8. Cipa -- 32211
9. Justix -- 32026
I'm really going to watch some of these battles...cannot see how it is possible to beat the green 4 x 3 dragons....
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