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AuthorTGI rent to Evgenich

1) 4000 gold per day for 10 day
2) 20000 prepaid
3) If U aren`t reach TG2 in 10 days - every day since 1st will be recalculated with price 5000 gold per day, and it will be the price for next days.
4) After 2 weeks I`ll take your first thief art, if TGI won`t be returned to me.
5) In the case U`re not finish TG2 duing the month - fine 500K gold.
Yes. Transferred 20000 Gold to EujinSPb-EN : for rent TGI(5 days)
The rest part of money should be transferred during the month:

02-05-09 14:12 Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Evgenich
closed by EujinSPb-EN (2009-02-05 17:28:53)
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