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AuthorCaravan Battles
I would like to lease a TGI however, I would also like to know what I am getting myself into before spending all that money. Could any lvl 6 demons who are thieves or were thieves, or anyone who was a lvl 6 demon thief - post their caravan battles? It is much appriciated.
-On a side note, when traveling between areas can you be ambushed anytime during the 2 minutes or do you only get ambushed at the beginning or end. Is it safe to leave the computer if my character has already started travelling?
Cheers, Mortimare
ambushes comes when u travel , not necessary when u start or u finish traveling, it is matter of page refresh , yes u can leave ur PC , u won;t be too much ambushed, u won't travel while u r a thief, if u want to leave ur pc when traveling for 2 or 3 minutes feel free, thief will wait u, and u have to know that every 3 hours u can be ambushed once , that's if u loose te ambush , and about deamons at low level ambushing go to this site, u will see all demaons at level 7 . and the r classified by TG ascending .

http://guildofheroes.ru/lords.php?levelst=7&levelfin=7&sort=15&napr=1&frak7=1&a mp;submit=search...&nick=
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