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This is the topic where people who have'nt seen a special move/ability/situation yet can request it, then another associate, will post a link to a combat where the move/ability/situation occurs.

At the moment here are my requests:
battle-dive in action

EFKs(Elite forest keepers) being fully surrounded(8 tile surrounded) when retailating or attacking.

Same with Incendaries, except when they flame up

huge (and neatly of course) demon with gated army with a fancy formation

largest amount of damage a tier 1 unit has dealt on it's own.(only 1 stack,1 unit)

feel free to add on
Nice idea...

I think, I have one battle with EFK being surrounded (8 tiles).

But I have to find the battle first. If I can find it, I will post here
Lizzard Assult with a few stack of high morale shrew, will take great damage^^
I have one, Rocs transport ability....what is it even supposed to do?

for wizard77, check this out https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1844078
this is possibly the first battle dive.

This one is mine...not quite 8 squares, but the efk totally owned me.... :(
i tried to find one with 8 stacks, but couldnt find it =(
but here i have one with 6 stacks =)

I have one, Rocs transport ability....what is it even supposed to do?
It transports a stack, to another place on the battlefield. But you cant choose where the roc lands
For example:

and for the inflame, look here (its a bit more in the end of the battle)

and largest amount of damage, tier 1, 1 unit
that will probably be a sprite with luck and favoured enemey. 10 damage or something
Nice!! thx Sven91!
"that will probably be a sprite with luck and favoured enemey. 10 damage or something"

A poisoner ( 2-4 dmg ) with luck + hero with big attack will be the largest, you can search some level 8-10 dark elf ambushes to find that since there are sometimes single poisoners to take out retaliation.

using inflame to 7 enemies at once!

and surely get blocked...
huge (and neatly of course) demon with gated army with a fancy formation


Check it out =) A battle done to expose a bug with gating. There were rumours that it made server go down XDDD
^^ Wow and if they were all demons 3v3 O.O
if they were all demons 3v3 the battle would've taken even longer. It lasted hours as it was :)
Well,... after I checked, apparently my EFKs had only been surrounded by 7 :((
But this is the link


Pay attention to EFK only :)
I found this in GGW's combat log:


EFK's totally surrounded and hitting all 8.

I hope GGW won't mind if I post it here for him. :)

Volley Rules .. ^^ !!

We won the match then .. ^^ nice ability of bowmen .. Love them all ..
Whispers:"Here you go, a battle-dive killing 130 skeletal bowmen from Antos, hope he wouldn't mind and wouldn't hear us"


See how my hydars got angry to the Grand Masters and the nauhgty druids .. ^^
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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