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AuthorPromoting LWM....
We already have 2 threads to promote Lords of War and Money

Building a house for lordswm!(by Shebali)

Vote for LordsWM!(by Zyanya)

I vote on both, but sometimes I forgot to do it :((

I think it will be better if we can have an option in Personal Settings page :

Help to promote LWM

If we checked it, every time we login to LWM.. there will be an automatic popup window to both website, so I can vote.

After I vote, I can easily close the window.
This way, I will never forget to vote =)
i set it as shortcut
I've seen in some other game developers offer in-game rewards for clicking those sites :) It would not be unbalanced to say create an in-game link to voting and reward the people that vote with 50gold/vote or something like that - would make more people remember this easier :)
for Straws:

I also set it as shortcut, but my problem is... I forgot to click it :((
What I suggest is an automatic popup which can remind me to click =)
What I suggest is an automatic popup which can remind me to click =)
u mean like a script? lol
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