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which faction do u guys think is the best
and which one has the best starter creatures
haha, I think all guys who answer you will say their faction is the best:)
For Knights what buildings do i build to get new better creatures
It depend where you want to use it for
Each faction has its advantages and disadvantages

and for the buildings, look here https://www.lordswm.com/castle.php
as a level 3 knight you can also get swordsmen
How do i get 800 gold really quick starting with none
enroll at factories. with laborers guild 1 you need around 4 hours to get the 800g, if you do hunts also meanwhile you will get a bit more.
1. quit rouletting, believe it or not, this is ur roulette record

Roulette bets total: 9,410
Roulette winnings total: 3,760

so uve already lost almost 6k.

2. Enroll every hour, in less than 5 hours just enrolling, u will get 800 gold.

3. Hunt

4. No arts are recommended nor required before level 5. Sell hunter arts u get.
i do heaps of roulette
though now it never does what i want
i have done about a week and no wins
where r the arts shown?
not that isay my faction is the best overall all factions are undesirable at certain levels like elf and de at 6~7 knights level 9~11 and so on so choose a faction which suits ur fighting style(i love KO attacks and shooters so i took elf) study the factions and then choose one thats all but still after level 8 DE have a certain undue advantage with high attack high no no retal high initiative high speed and return move but then low h is alway a disadvantage
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