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AuthorWhat's the christmas date?
Cuz i just got exam today and it asks about the christmas date i answer 2nd of dec am i right?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas :))

but anyway... LOL??? :$

It's 25 Dec.
It depends what your background is. In the US and most western countries, it's 25 Dec.. But in Orthodox countries, like Russia, it's 7 Jan.. In addition, small sects may practice it on another date, depending on which calendar system they use. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if there were people who still use the less-accurate Julian calendar, which would cause a change in the actual date of Christmas, even if it were still referred to as 25 Dec..
Jesus Forgives =)
Jesus Forgives =)
lol he does doesnt he
I agree with #5, less that it doesn't depend on being orthodox, but it depends on the calendar your religion uses. the julian calendar has the border in moldavian republic. romania is also orthodox, but it doesn't use the julian calendar. so, not all the orthodox countries have christmas on january 7th.
Further more December 25 is a date chosen by the early Roman converts to Christianity to coincide with their winter celebration. Which would have been the biggest yearly party of the ancient times. Its purpose to break up the monotonous and dangerous winters. So its more of party to celebrate life than an actual representation of the birth of Jesus. Picked with more of a political and practical reason than for any actual biblical evidence.

It's not the only big celebration in Christianity chosen in that way. :)
biblical evidence
those two words don't go well together, for where is any of this evidence? lets turn this thread into a religious debate hah
OMG there i lost 1 mark....

The Bible doesn't give you any evidence, it only guides you (at least that was the Jesus message :) ).
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