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Authorafk are destroying they hole game.....
what can they do about it ..... 10 games behing allawys 1 afk in battles im now level 4 and i realy get so much angry about that can they not do something about this ...... give them minus points or justmake it equal do both sides or restart game if 1 is afk it is not funny looking all they time urselfe get killed by 2 or 3 othere groups please find there a solution and they have not allwyas pc or net proplems .. they just leaving ....
listen the admins do what they want nothing well change ever unless they want it 2
You must stand it ... on higher levels, I would say 6 and more, there are no afks
Okay this has come up many times before. If you are annoyed at afkers, Then stick to Hunting. If you don't want to be teamed up with an afker in a team battle, Don't do team battles, with people who are unreliable! Try to find someone to side with in a group battle who you KNOW won't go afk. (Friends maybe? )

So basically, you can avoid it if you want to, so please, please, PLEASE for the sake of all the players viewing the forums, Don't bring this up again!
Unfotunately nothing further can be done about this. The admins feel the penalty that exists is enough.
closed by Zyanya (2009-03-11 07:30:52)
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