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AuthorMonthly Lottery
How about having one?

Each entrant pays 500 gold and receives a code.At the end of the month, a draw takes place and the winner gets about 70% of the total gold collected.
Each level has its own lottery.

So, for eg. 100 people pay 500 gold, we have a total of 50k.
The winner gets 30-40k as prize.

As it is monthly, 500 gold isnt much.

What do you think?
it's arts season so i say NO!

so, what if it is arts season?
Interesting idea. Cheaper alternative to roulette. Count me in! :)
one thing make it that it is one ticket per person because if more the rich people will buy heaps and have lots of codes while a poor person would have only 1 and get a very low chance of winning

you can make it 1 for all level and draw take place each week.
lower the price to 100 gold each and you can buy up to ?? (5-10 maybe) per week
500 is fine.
And only one ticket per person.
Make it 2 weeks instead of a month.

What do you think?
one rule which is a must there must be a limit to how many tickets and two weeks sounds good maybe it the price a little to make a bit more money for comp they could even make it like real life lottery with different divisions if they like
maybe it the price a little to make a bit more money

I meant maybe up the price to make more money

Ideas and suggestions, "Upcoming Features"
Ideas Suggested multiple times by players - Lotteries.

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a question: if the winner collects 70% of the total, what happens to the balance 30%?

how about a slight modification to the mechanism:

*each code/"ticket" is 6 digits
*1 winning ticket drawn each week
*Group 1: 1 grand winner of 60% if all 6 digits match
*Group 2: ticket holders with matching last 4 digits share 30%
*Group 3: ticket holders with matching last 3 digits share 10%

*Any unwon gold e.g if there are no Gp 1 winner, etc, gets snowballed to the next draw

*No limit to number of tickets purchased (afterall if you spend all your gold here, you'll probably have to labour harder)

*Lower entry purchase (perhaps 100 gold like roulette) per ticket to enncourage growth of pot
sounds nice.
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