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AuthorLet's help up the Lordswm.Economic...
Why waste my resources so others can work?

There are a lot of options available. It's their choice.
I think I'll wait to leave any further opinions on this subject until someone complains about something legitimate.

Your defense that the economy & production doesn't take into account 2 major factors.

1. Repairing of items- the ability to repair your own items, means you don't have to buy new ones. So the facilities will not have the gold availabe to pay new workers, thus slowing the economy down.

2. After 6th level, If you are buying the best arts, then you are buying directly from the admins. There are no facilities that make the Sword of Might for example. So when I buy one, the gold I pay for it isn't put back into the econmy. So no chance to work in an higher paying facility.
1. Repairing of items- the ability to repair your own items, means you don't have to buy new ones. So the facilities will not have the gold availabe to pay new workers, thus slowing the economy down.

Repairing non-enchanted shop artifacts is a loss. Let's take the Sword of Might you mention:
- Cost: 15.000 + 10*366 + 30*369 = 29730, has 80 durability
- Sells back at 0/80 for 10470 + 6*366 + 18*369 = 19308
29730 - 19308 = 10422 gold for 80 durability or 130 gold per durability/battle

Now let's repair it, instead of selling and buying a new one.
Repair cost is 11760 gold. Let's use a 70% efficency for 80% of cost smith. This gives us back 80*0,7 = 56 durability.
So it's 11760*0,8 = 9408 gold for 56 durability or 168 gold per dura/battle.

Selling and rebuying the art is more than 20% cheaper! This is not only true for this art, but for any art you buy at the shop.

If someone decides to repair his own arts, its even far worse. Thats like repairing your 10 year old car for a higher price than buying a new one ^^
You are forgetting that when you repair you keep the a greater part of the resell value.

So your comparison isn't correct.
It is correct :) But I don't know how to write in english, so it will be easy to understand ^^

Yes, when you repair you still can sell the art when it reaches 0 durability. This is accounted for in the example, because I calculate only the cost for the new durability from repair.

Think of it like this:
Buy new art -> Pay art cost -> Use item until 0/x dura

Now, you have two options:
1) Sell art, get cash
2) Repair art, pay cash -> Use item until 0/x dura; and here again the option to sell or repair

Whatever you do, the first 80 durability will always cost only 130 gold/ battle. While everytime you repair it gets more and more expensive.
Ah, just thought of a example that might make it clearer:

As shown above, the _effective_ price (Shop price - resell value) for a sword of might is 10422 gold.

Let's suppose for moment, that it would be possible to repair an art back to 100% for 100% of the repair cost.
Then our sword of might would cost 11760 gold, and you get 80 durability. So thats 147 gold for 1 battle.

11760 is more than 10422, so buying a new one is better.
It is true, that repairing unenchanted artefacts leads to lose. Better buy new ones.

As for economy, I think that most of the factories don't(doesn't - please correct :-)) make profit! Their balance is zerro and the money they earn by selling artefacts are immediately eaten by workers, so the number of stocked artefacts is increasing - and what should be increasing in real factory is balance, so this is a big problem of economy, and it's caused by the fact that owner of factory doesn't dynamically change the number of workplaces, the price of produced goods and the price of demanded resources. This will be solved, when "facilities as private real estates" feature will come, as stated in "ideas and suggestions - upcoming features".
Best you can see it in mines, the number of stocked resources is increasing very, very fast.

So, as mentioned by CGS....(sorry, too long :-P), the economy isn't self-sustainable. Money are pumped in game through the mines in one side, and they are leaving the game through high-level artefacts on the other side. All the trumps holds the administration, which reacts just on big crisis(usually by pumping mines), but don't solve the deepness of the problem. How this remind me of the real world! I can't help myself ...

Anyway, to make some conclusion - for me this is the battle game. Money are just some addition to it. There is not much place for clever trader, for some clever investments, because one cannot predict the actions of administration. That's why people, just enroll and enroll ...

#1 The idea of saving the economy by buying sulphur in Yellow Lake is funny, but nice. I like people like you. But it is nothing compared to the fact, that in last few weeks there was few milions of gold pumped in that mine by administration.
There is not much place for clever trader
I can think of a few people who'd disagree ;)
Shebali, I know them, too, once it was defender shields, gems or crystals before that ... but their success depended on when administration solve these problems. I consider selling 20 def. shields, each of them for 1000 profit, as a little space ;-) noone could buy e.g. 3000 gems, because noone knew when will administration pump that mine - this was meant by the investments.

So, I know some people can make a nice profit, but I still take it as a little space ... that's why I said "not much space" ;-)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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