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AuthorMagicians renegades raid
How much are their magic power and what spells?
*mercenary magicians

Answer please....
I don't know the exact stats but there is no chance you can defeat 72 of them. If I remember right, they had about 30 hp, and their lightning can do 20+ damage.
stop bumping Q&H topics.

all creature stats are found here

that's mecr sorcerer

frankly impossible even for lv 5
nvm what i said, i mixed up with the regende socerers. But their stats are quit similar, and as gurumao's links prove you have no chance in defeating 66 of them..
Ok i'll decline it
but they cast ice clod and water elemental sheild helps reduce that damage

their spell if i remember correct is ice clod a highly dangerous one as that
closed by Skuwak (2009-03-13 19:22:12)
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