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AuthorTGI Renting Sholva
TGI Renting:
-3.5k Gold/Day, first two weeks. No Thief-Arts. 4.5k Gold/Day week 3 and 4
-Return the TGI to Keepor in 4 weeks.
-You will not give or rent the TGI to anyone else.
-If you are not able to return TGI in 4 weeks, you will be fined 600,000 gold to keep the TGI, or be blocked.
I agree with terms. Tell me when to begin, when to transfer money
03-16-09 17:58: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to sholva . Transaction price: 1 Gold

Still 1 TGI in stock
I agree with terms. Tell me when to begin, when to transfer money... wait 8h please
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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