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AuthorIncrease the workforce of some Factories.
The Blacksmith of Reprisal and the Signet Ring Factory have a shortage of goods for sale.

There is already a hoarding and shortage issue with Rings of Morale. The same problem will occur to the Sword of Reprisal if it hasn't happened already

A simple solution would be to increase the workforce so an extra 2 - 4 can be made per hour.

Alternatively the Misty Coast needs some factories to help that region along. Tourism related to the Lighthouse is just not enough to sustain the region.

I agree with that suggestion. It's been done with the mercury and with the defender shields, so why won't they do it with these facilities? Because not enough people have complained about it yet :)
But we do need more capacity at those factories.
It makes the market a boring place for playing when everything is so easily available, and can prove counter-productive at times, whereby players enroll without buying, thus draining the facility of gold, such as the sulphur dune.

Imo, I believe Misty Coast and Ridge of Hope were introduced with those (new factories) purposes in mind, in addition to new game features, such as those mentioned in https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1832843.
are you kidding? the market's already boring, there's no undercutting of prices, most of us are content to stand in line for the cheaper items at the facilities.
Alternatively the Misty Coast needs some factories to help that region along
I agree, but there should have more smithing-class, e.g. Steel/Nickel Works, Swords Production and etc, but the most important is to try not have cloak or leather production as well as potion creation. This is both similar to all sorts(sort of, and I do think so) of it's backgrounds as well as the on-map look.
However, the server is the Admins', and my suggestion MAY cause unbalancing. I can't find the word 'imbalancing', please message me if this word is really wrong or if this word is actually correct.
It's been done with the mercury and with the defender shields, so why won't they do it with these facilities?
Your comparison isn't good. Mercury and Defender Shields both were very rare and the prices on the market were a lot higher than in the factories.

For Reprisal Swords, it't totally unnecessary. Currently, they cost about 100 gold more on the market than in the factory. There are many swords for sale on the market, too. During the past weeks there also were several days in a row where the factory even had a stock of up to 90 swords. Pretty balanced, imo.

Rings of inspiration cost about 200 gold more than in the factory. However, there are only a few offers up. This factory could use a little more workplaces, about 2-4. But definitively not enough workplaces for 2-4 rings, as you suggest.
A choice between the market and the factory is a good thing. It stops hoarding. Every day for the last week there has been no stock of Reprisal Swords at the factory. However of the manufactured weapons Reprisal Swords make up the most weapons at the market.

Reprisal Swords are popular as they are an efficient and cheap artifact because of their long durability.

If you want to make some serious money at the market you can do so by adding enchantments to your equipment to give your equipment an edge. Factories can't compete with that.

Shortages are a problem. Hoarding makes a problem worse. Properly functioning Real Life Markets don't allow this. Similar problems can occur in a game too.

The only people who think this sort of thing is all well and good are those exploiting the problem... the mentally ill and of course socialist activists.

Shortages and hoarding are serious problems, and spoil players enjoyment.

Shortages and hoarding are serious problems, and spoil players enjoyment.

As probably does the AP-rule, artifact deterioration, costs for castle upgrades or any other limitation to your army, if you mean by player's enjoyment, some player's enjoyment, in particular those, who whenever seeing an obstacle stand in front of it and cry 'unfair', hoping that if they cry loud and long enough someone will remove it for them, instead of seeing it as the challenge it is and face it as part of the game.

I stand by my statement. It intrigues me that you effectively call me a whiner.

I have no personal interest in Reprisal Swords. Only one of my characters has an interest in Rings of Morale. There is this thing called principle, and it appears to be a foreign concept to you.

And Fusei

You may be a follower of the self flagelating and whining god Ilmater, but I'm a follower of Torm the True, the smiting God.

I thought it was only the followers of Abbathor who put the values of greed and hoarding above all others.

For Reprisal Swords, it't totally unnecessary. Currently, they cost about 100 gold more on the market than in the factory.

I agree.

About rings..its not that bad, if fusei doesnt sell them, is not that bad..If you need rings of insp., contact guy named Almer, he sells them for about 50-100 gold more than factory, if you think they are so precious, you can sell them through market then.
No wonder some of you don't want the hoarding issue to go away, downplay it, smear critics of hoarding etc

I've just been looking through some of your logs, and some of you have been making vast amounts of gold from selling items at the market that have a shortage (or did have a shortage).

Fusei, you are as guilty as sin, and Omega22 you are not much better.

Fusei was hoarding and selling a huge amount of Defender Shields with an approximate 400gp profit per sale at the market. Great gold to make when you don't have competition from the Factory, and supply at the market is influenced by the hoarders.

Omega22 is also complicit in the Reprisal Sword shortage, selling this much cheaper item for approx 200gp profit. Again this is great for a hoarder that doesn't have competition from the factory, and who can influence the supply at the market.

I also want to make it clear I have no problem with people making gold from selling goods or providing services eg enchanting. I do have a problem with people who hijack a market and effectively extort from the rest of us.

Yep, I am evil. :-D
In addition, I think the increase of mercury and defender shield workplaces was a good thing, as well as pumping the crystal and gem mines, because the market was collapsing and prices going straight to heaven. I just think this is not the case yet. 5% profit is not such an outrage.
to Ravensclaw:
Yes I did, the reason I don't sell things right now is the current margin is not worth the effort. I never hoarded items though, they all found a buyer pretty fast. The point is that battles are not only won on the battlefield, but before the troops are even deployed.
Everyone has an equal chance to participate in business and those who strive the most yield the best results. To avert suffering from your troops, you have to master all aspects of warfare, not just those that are convenient to you, but how can I expect such a thing from someone, who's sworn himself to blind obedience to principles.
Omega22. Indeed, 5% profit is not an outrage, not is 10% or 50%.

Fusei. I have no doubts you found buyers very quickly

Concerning blind obedience, wouldn't that be to Tyr the blind God... now dead (in the edition best not mentioning or playing).

When there are hoarders and saboteurs of markets, I don't believe everyone has an equal chance to participate in business. Besides if everyone did what you did, do you think the business mechanics in the game would function??? Of course it wouldn't. Those who conduct business to the lowest common denominator are usually the criminal element.

If there is no competition from the market, there is competition from the players. Isn't that sticking to the name of the game, Lords of War and Money? In any case, resource hoarding isn't the issue now. There is plenty of time to buy artifacts from the facilities themselves. Players at this moment are buying them from players to spare themselves the traveling time.

Resource hoarding is not a result of game mechanics, but is triggered by player's perceived importance of the particular resource or artifact.. Even if there were hoarders, those are players who take a risk in investing in those resources, in terms of cash flow in particular, as there is empire intervention from time to time, and not forgetting the fact that an introduction of a new artifact could diminish the value of the artifact being hoarded.

And in response to your OT post in #16:
I find it interesting that you mention the following: Those who conduct business to the lowest common denominator are usually the criminal element. Based on the below from you log, you can be seen abetting to these criminal activities.

01-20-09 09:08: Acquired item: "Ring of inspiration" [18/18] for 4990 gold from cpp123 as lot #257990
01-20-09 09:08: Acquired item: "Ring of inspiration" [18/18] for 4990 gold from Tritan as lot #258203
01-26-09 10:56: Acquired item: "Ring of inspiration" [18/18] for 4942 gold from -Invincible- as lot #270491
01-26-09 10:56: Acquired item: "Ring of inspiration" [18/18] for 4941 gold from Fes as lot #270492

If you're going to tell me you can't get them from the facility when workshift ends, you're obviously lying.

Well, if you are to look at my transfer logs, then you can start accusing everyone who bought items for me as supporters of a criminal as well, when my purpose was to spare players the traveling time by selling those items to them at the most competitive price found in the market. You're indicting a large pool of players for criminal activities, btw.
to Ravensclaw:
Those, who you slander as hoarders and saboteurs of markets are ordinary players, so if they can acquire the items they want, why can't you?
If everyone does what I do, everyone will have the items they want, so I see no problem there.

Ironically it's Tyr's blindness your lacking, for you are pretty eager to pass judgment and that's your blindness, because outside your principles you see little else and anything that does not comply is unjust in your eyes.
in particular those, who whenever seeing an obstacle stand in front of it and cry 'unfair', hoping that if they cry loud and long enough someone will remove it for them, instead of seeing it as the challenge it is and face it as part of the game.

Those, who you slander as hoarders and saboteurs of markets are ordinary players, so if they can acquire the items they want, why can't you?
If everyone does what I do, everyone will have the items they want, so I see no problem there.

After checking your Log that's pretty much what you do, and what some other players do. Taking your comments to an extreme, drug dealers say they are normal people too.

Part of my topic focusses on the behaviour, not the individuals performing the behaviour. As you can see it was you who made it a personal issue, and I simply responded in kind. No moral high ground for you here I'm afraid.

And getting back to what this topic was about, it was a request to increase the Workforce at the Signet Ring Factory and Blacksmith of Reprisal so an extra 2-4 units could be produced per hour. As there are severe shortages at the Market Place it is not an unreasonable request. It is offensive and amusing that those seeking to downplay the problem or those who resort to insults and smear are the ones abusing the problem and making it worse.

Shortages do affect game play and game enjoyment. I recall a few months ago when there was a Mercury Shortage and a Magic Powder Shortage (Magic Powder required Mercury). Any magic item requiring these 2 ingredients were in very short supply eg Staves for spellcasting based characters. This lead to spellcasters having significant problems merely complying with the AP Rule, and hindered their ability to have a suitable artifact set. This was a problem that melee based players were not experiencing.

Taking your comments to an extreme, drug dealers say they are normal people too.

There are laws against drug-trafficking as far as I know, while brokering items and resources is well within the rules. You missed my point however, by ordinary players I meant they have no super item buying power that gives them an advantage, so again when they can acquire the items they want, why can't you?

My problem was that you tried to disguise your problem (you don't get rings of inspiration) as a problem that concerns all players (there are not enough ring of inspirations). In fact there are 10 rings at the market right now and if you put some effort into it you can even get them at the factory.

The peak of the mercury crisis was induced by workers migrating to the lighthouse and pier project and even there was an opportunity, by infusing spare mercury into the magic factory, buying the magic powder and infusing it into the combat staff workshop and sell the product at the market at a time these were neither available at the factory nor at the market. This tells us if you want items that are not produced, you can make them yourself.
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