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AuthorLoosing hunts
As probably everyone knows if you win a single hunt next time you will face by 1.69^0.5(SP) so basically by 30% more than current hunt.
So it is going up pretty fast and I would like to suggest if you loose hunt then next time you will face by 5% less troops.

As now AP rules are in game and none will be willing to lose hunts only to get next time by 5% less troops.

what you think?
As now AP rules are in game
So it will only decrease if you are level 5 and higher ?

but then still many people will abuse it
Start a hunt, lose, go afk or whatever, do that a few hundred times, and then you get 0,5 fsp, 1 HG, and 20 exp
Yes, i know it sounds ridicilous, but there always some dumb people that try to exploit the game on every possible way
Yes I agree hunts become easier for lvl 5 and above where need to use arts. and if someone are willing to do 100 hunts and loose all, spend all arts just for getting later SP it is stupid. Now you can get SP easier way by doing assistance or going in Ridge of hope for dragon hunts.

P.S. there is around 85 different monsters so if i loose 85 hunts then in average all hunts getting easier by 5%. I think it is not worth to loose on purpose hunts.

My idea is to give some consolation for those who lost hunts.
and what about players trying to break hunt records?

imagine a hunt record :980 creatures.
you meet 1000 of them, you try to break the record, but you lose.

nex time you meet them, they are 5% weaker: only 950.
not enough to break the record.
if you defeat them, next hunt will be 30% harder: 1235.
and then, it becomes impossible for you to break the record (if you lose against 1000, i don't see how you can defeat 1235)

if you failed the 1st time and want to try again, you would need to lose on purpose 4 times in a row:
then defeat 773 and get +5% of them: 1005. and you can try again your record.

i'd rather not have the -5%, and be able to try again the hunt records without 4 intentional losses each time i fail.
then defeat 773 and get +5% of them: 1005.

i mean +30% of them (but impossible to edit messages)

there r 86 kinds of creature and will be more in the future.
for some one with high hunter guild level, he will intentionally lose 86x10=860 battle to make his hunting significantly easier.
so the idea is feasible. for someone just meets the same hard hunting again over again, -5% strength if loss will encourage them to have a try at least.
#2, 100 loss for 1 HG pts?

i will do assistance, so i can get 10 HG pts.
to Karsot

But imagine if in top 3 places record is 100 and you meet 90, you win them and next time you face 117, and it is not possible any more, so you try one you loose face 111, loose again face 105 - win and you have new record!!! other wise you would jump over record and NO way to try it again...

see there is 2 sides of this....
and what about players trying to break hunt records?
95% of the players dont care about the records, and if they really care that much, they try the 1235 monsters, then lose a few times until they are back at 980

But to make those 5% happy, make an option in your profile where you can choose to decrease the size of a hunt when you lose
I agree to Sven91 I don't care the records anyway. I better be happy with 5% decrease in hunts if i loose...
Stopping combat experience is the main problem.
All other problems are nothing in this game.
I mean this: why do I get combat experience when I lose a hunt?

New players can't break hunt records, because they will get combat experience when they lose i.e. they will level up trying (new plyers have no chance).
Stopping combat experience is the main problem.
Stoping people think that xp is bad - that's the real problem.
Karsot, I am often trying to break records, however, sometimes 30% more troops is too much.
Imagine you are on the other side of record breaking: record is 1000, you just killed 995 (so you didn't beat the record of course). Let's say you felt that those 995 was piece of cake and you could handle even 1100 or 1200 creatures. But next time you'll get almost 1300 creatures. What now?
Let's look at the example: At this moment I have lvl 9 Necro record for goblins - 3712. BNA is second best - 3073. If he gets 30% more goblins (3995) and kill them, I'd have to kill 3712*1.3=4826. And I consider that impossible.
As a conclusion, I would appreciate 5% decrease of troops in case of lost hunt.
I explained why giving combat experience (in case of lost hunt) is a wrong thing:
- new player can't break hunt records.

Still think that it is no problem at all?

5% is a good idea, but it should be applied only when you try to break a record.

Let's say:
- N is the number of creatures you try to kill,
- NR is the number of creatures in the last place of your faction record table (i.e. it is SOME record).

1) if you win then next time you get 1.3*N creatures (as it is now)
2) if N > NR and you lose then next time you get 0.95*N creatures
3) unless 0.95*N < NR (to prevent getting easy HG points)
4) if you check the option in your profile "never decrease the number of creatures in hunts" then (Sven's idea):
- if you win then next time you get 1.3*N creatures
- if you lose then next time you get the same number N creatures
Just realized that no need for this:
3) unless 0.95*N < NR (to prevent getting easy HG points)
because by the rule 2) the number will drop by 5% only when N>NR.
to Robai,

I explained why giving combat experience (in case of lost hunt) is a wrong thing:
- new player can't break hunt records.

You say that you have most of the records, how did you get them? By boosting in all way faction skill points as much as possible. So what is the point to have all records in lvl 5 or 6? But your lvl is ONLY 6.
If i assume correctly you spend more time in game than me - your labor guild is Laborers' guild: 6 (3781) (so 3781 - hrs to enroll) but my lvl soon will be 10 you only 7. Tell me what is the point to be the best of rest beginners?
to Mr_eee (16),

Don't you think that 16th post is completely off topic?
Is it some kind of envy thing?
And how many beginners do you see in records now (any level, any faction)?
on level 6 hahahaa,
lol stay on topic please.

a reduce of 5% of the monsters if you lose the hunt for combat level 5 and higher sounds reasonable.
But maybe add another limit on it. For example, you can only do this once for each creature, then you have to win one more. To avoid people exploiting it
the problem with freezing the hunts numbers if you lose, is that eventually it will be impossible to get more hunters guild points, besides assisting. eventually all of the level 14's will get to a point where they can no longer win while hunting, so not even assistance can gain them any more points. and if you have 1000 more hunters points to max it? no way.

I would assume that having a check mark in your profile would fix the "impossible" issue. This is way to hard to fix, as compared to the benefits. I'm just not seeing how good this will be to players to have numbers fixed. imagine if caravans wouldn't get easier if you lost? massive disappointment.
I know. Hunts got highly disappointing to me towards the end of combat lvl 6. Most of my hunts weren't just challenging, they were 50-100% more units than the first time I saw them as challenging already.

What happened? Well, I ended up with many hunt losses even with hunt assist.

I guess that's the price to pay for hunting so much. I was close to HG5 back then.
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