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Author6 alts on working the same factory
can someone take a screenshot and post here please

the defender shield shop...6 Darkpieces characters all working there right now
Type : Defender shield blacksmith
Location: Silent Hill
Owner : Empire

Balance : 1,169,382

Area : 7
Wage : 205

Workshift ends at: 00:10

Workers list (21): bobsorcerer, DarkPisces94, mihira, DarkPisces95, DarkPisces96, DarkPisces97, DarkPisces99, taken99, Magnus-okse, DarkPisces, UglyJo, Cybertec, ziomek, mpi, Paradoxxx, WracK, Graybeard, pasja, DerDeadman, Adebayor, makmak
Free posts : 0
mushroomman is doing the same, 5 alts here
Type : Crystal cavern
Location: Silent Hill
Owner : Empire

Balance : 21,722

Area : 48
Wage : 176

Workshift ends at: 00:50

Workers list (40): Sepsis, gatot_kaca, Holyfingerforce, SanLucifer, Coppa, SirWallace, Xeno, goodie, mfang, humm, XiaoQian, Kurator, Mushroomman, Mushroomman2, carlos888, SamUm, Mushroomman3, Mushroomman4, VanTaO, Gorthos, Mushroomman5, Leander, Olgri, wex, siraa1, LoveAndHate, jetflighter, Quephalash, Kashchey, kopi9111, demnslyr9999, phoenix19778, laurence208y, Alnor, TheBlackNinja, ff1234, Bogstandard, Irebryn, janxaras, jovica4ever
Not against rules

Close topic ^>^
having more then chartars is
Workers list (14): Ken86, MultiLOH, SadistiC, magpeir, faeries, archknightX, DarkPisces97, DarkPisces95, DarkPisces96, DarkPisces98, DarkPisces94, DarkPisces, DarkPisces99, DerDeadman.

Against the rules unsigned multi chars
closed by Lady Takesister (2009-10-07 07:28:28)
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