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AuthorLeasing TGI to megacity
Leasing TGI to megacity under plan 2:
1. Deposit of 10,000 gold, which will be returned upon reaching TG 2
2. Send me both thief arts received upon reaching TG 1 and TG 2
3. One thief art of my choice will be returned to you if you finish within 1 week
4. No gold required if you finish within 2 weeks
5. 4,000 gold per day from the 15th day onwards
I megacity agree with the term and conditions.
04-25-09 13:03: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to megacity . Transaction price: 10000 Gold
closed by ExDeath (2009-04-25 17:33:42)
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