Author | Origins of your Character's name |
Initially name design was with a 'S' many years back on a name, till they made a movie out of it, '5' was used to maintain nick uniqueness. In many in-game chats from mmos, people will just call me God for quickness of reply. :)
Multi Yuffie's a name of a rpg character from Final Fantasy 7. |
Heroes of might and magic 3, find the hero name that starts with Jab and you got half the answer :P The other half of the story lies in the name of the No1 all time scorer of NBA. |
Kami - Divine
simple aint it?
Necro - immortal
Necro - sin
Fallen - Pride
Extreme wanting of pepsi, didnt wanna sound despirate so i changed spelling of despirate... besides i dont wanna be known as Des ` Pirate |
When I went to college in the U.S., my friends asked me how I pronounced my first name Hector in spanish. I told them the 'h' was silent and then they pronounced it in a way similar to eektor. The nickname stuck and when I was coming up with a username for IM, I came up with eektor. The good thing is whenever I register for a game, eektor is always available. :) |
People keep cutting the trees and make the environment worse, so I decide to proect the forest, my name ForestFighter came out!:) |
"you are not alone!" - cry out loud my forest keepers |
Last boss of FF5 |
i like magic and figured to be a wizard and 10 is there because thats my graduating class |
NatureLord comes because of elf faction. They are the keepers of the forest and rule it so ... NatureLord. |
Pantheon, my old World of Warcraft main, which I copied from the Pantheon of Gods in warcraft lore. |
Name of my shop |