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Problem with money


AuthorProblem with money
Hi all,

I got serious problems to earn enough money to keep my equip fresh and ready.

I guess, there is no other way, than just stop fighting and hours by hours earn money by working....
Thantks, that could help.

But still, there is a problem, with regular hunts.

I need to spend lets say 500g for arts and usualy receive only 150g-220g as reward.
Same problem is with MG quest even worse.Usualy I need more art to be sure i wil make it and receive 75-125g + +/-10% chance on element which is sellable for 1000 - 3000g ( it means +100 - 300g earned per fight ).Still, Im loosng money.
Your source of income is LG, not hunts. Enrolling is good for you. And I wonder how you got the need to spend lets say 500g for arts
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Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "General game forum".
how do you spent 500g/battle?

with min ap ,lowest cost is 80~150g/battle

you have high wizard racial,
so you won't need too much art for hunt and merc quest.
Cheapest min AP set for lvl 8 : Sword of Might
Actually, no. And even if it was - wiz do use a different set of arts, since they need kn&sp. I still would like to know how 500 was calculated - if it was at all.
Sword of might cost 40 000g per 80 battles ( 15 000g and 40x374g )
which means 1 battle 375g expenses.
Most of the regulars hunts offers you 150 - 220g sometimes wood or ore ( 170g ) + 50 - 70g.

in other cases its +/- same.
I ment 30 000g, not 40 000g.
Then it must be Combat staff + MoB/AoL

how 500 was calculated - if it was at all. he's just plain blabbering, just to stress his whining ;)
Combat staff gains only 6AP and costs 231g per fight.
Same situation :(
for Galenspirit:
Unless you make a habbit of giving away broken swords, CpB is 130 gold, for SoM at least. But I think we've already been through that.
Shebali is right, you forgot to take away the resell price before dividing cost with durability. That gives 130 for SoM and 87 for CB.

there's a list,which art costs how much per battle..it's calculated in the way that you sell the art after its durability has reached 0.. :o)
My faul, i did forgott sell price.

That schelude is also usefull.Thx for help.
for Galenspirit:
But have to be patient for somedays in selling ... :) Also need to raise ur LG .. :)
try buying n selling resources
it does giv some extra income
useless there is way too much competition and for 3 hours you make about 200 gold max if its on low ppl hours
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