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Against some caravans its useless to protect your bowmen in a corner
(caravan of wizards and DE) because their hero kills them with magic

And also use stoneskin on your forest keepers.
steel helmet and steel boots only costs 18k + some resources, shouldnt be far away than what you already have, you can skip steel cuirass since you already got hauberk

for troops, try maximizing FK and sprites
change faction back to demon. It's not necessary to gate. When i started thieving i had 3rd demon skill level. Yours is 2nd so it's not very critical
thanks a lot for your help and hints everyone, i'll try my best.
at least you gave me hope :)

About the talents:
actually i'm using battle fury
it increases sprite's spread damage by 50% (which is imho really a lot!!!) + it increases melee damage by 10% (basic offense) + battle fury is even very useful for bowmen (as they shoot twice they get a total bonus of +2 min-max dmg per turn)
if i would use luck (i have already luck ammy) it would trigger on move 1-4. That's not a very secure way to play imo
and rally - it will definately give me some more hp
if i use all of rally's troops e.g. on sprites i will barely get 50% more sprites in total
compared to the damage with battle fury it's really ridiculous
even if i fight against magic-using wizard caravans imo it's better to finish off the enemy quickly than to be able to absorb more damage

if someone proves me wrong i would be glad to change to his conlusions' talents
from your last battle with demon, i noticed you didnt use stoneskin, maybe you didnt for other battles too

+9 def is very helpful
i usually do use it
but - as always - i have to ask myself: from what do i benefit more?
in this case i decided the enemy would do me less harm if i kill some of his troops instead of increasing the defense of my troops. Maybe i was wrong, i don't know.
but i know that it's quite useful (when the time has come to use it)

at the battle vs demon i hade the crucial problem that my main sprites stack went first so it wasn't able to hit the center at the first turn

another problem is that i only have 7 slots
so if i want to split up sprites into 3 stacks (2 small to increase chance that they go first and kill enemies' surrounding units so big stack can hit hard) + fk + druids + bowmen that's already 6 stacks. So i can't fully protect my bowmen (and furthermore can only cast 1 stoneskin because big stack of druids for shure has better things to do than cast stoneskin)
i think i will try the only-2-big-stacks-of-fearies in future
as my last battle showed (which i won by the way :) if you are interested, watch here: https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=10519117 ) 5 fearies weren't enough to kill 5 infected (i expected only 1-2 normal zombies like the demon defended himself with 2-4 spawns/imps...)
it may have been better using 2 big stacks
on the other hand the enemies' small stacks attacked my small stack first (so infected didn't do much harm at all - i hate their ability) because small enemies do attack the smallest of mine usually (if there are more than 1 on the field) so i guess it wasn't that bad at all
by the way i used stoneskin on my bowmen this time because i thought it would help - and imo it did help a lot :)
and @23: i can't change back since i wouldn't have build the fort with demon (and without the extra troops of that castle building i will never have any chance)
by the way i used stoneskin on my bowmen this time because i thought it would help - and imo it did help a lot :)
i might be wrong but if it was me, i would stone my sprites first

especially in your battle, bowmen only got hit twice, once after stoneskin
from 48 dmg to 20+

so maybe it would save your sprites more
indeed, thanks for the hint :)
somehow i think i am still doing something wrong
i was today sitting at the computer for 13 hours!!! just ambushing (well i did some hunts between ambushing to keep the morale up but anyway)
in those 13 hours i only had 15 ambushes
1 against a single human
3 against 2 human at the same time
11 against caravans

and i only won 6 out of 15
this is really killing me :(
use better arts Ring of impetuosity does magics with spierts and mh maskrob is very useful too
you have to keep playing with how you set your stacks. once you find something that works stick with it. What did you do different in the 6 wins??? Look at the wins you have had and try to mymic those battles.

ALSO there are certain caravans that are naturally HARDER for certain races. Also try changing your ambush position for different results. If I were you I would talk to your renter. Offer him both TG arts you get and also the lvl 3 art after you give him your invite back. In return he loans you gold to buy a good full art set. I ran 22ap+ at lvl 7. So he would get 3 arts, an invite, and the loan of money. Either that or buy a chunk of diamonds and get EFK and Sprites they both help tonsssss. STICK WITH IT, it pays off eventually.
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