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Dziadu Radziu Lepper

AuthorDziadu Radziu Lepper
Leeper is the second character of dziadu and radziu is leasing the TGI to lepper, which is not legal, the 2 of them dziadu and radziu are player of the same clan and friends from the same country , and the terms of the leasing of the TGI are very high , which means a big violation it is like a transfer of the money from lepper to dziadu .
sorry radziu is leasing the TGI to lepper and dziadu is the main of lepper.
Topic moved from "Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles" to "Complaints and applications - Finance and others".
04-29-09 17:11: Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from radziu . Transaction price: 1 Gold
;o what is the problem? radziu is my friend from 183 polish elite, and i got 2 account in which im not breaking any rules, so what is the problem?pls show me it!!!!!

So sad You are looking for affairs, and have no proof, but dont care
for dziadu:
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange rare set artifacts and Thieves' Guild invitations(TGIs).
Rare artifacts are any items that are not displayed in the Artifact shop and that cannot be acquired in hunt.
Additional characters can enter the Guild using diamonds, but the TGIs and artifacts received as guild bonuses cannot be traded to other characters. We would like to remind you that additional characters only serve to get acquainted with the features of other factions

1.1. Ignorance of the following rules does not relieve the responsibility for their violation.
radziu my friend send for my 2acc lepper thief invite and in your opinion its breaking rules? he send it with the normal price in game (for 2 thief arts and tgi), Im quite angry and confused now

And lik what is wrong with Your post, is it against the rules that radziu send tgi?then everybody in game that are playing in thief guild are cheaters? and got multis?

Im waiting for Your answers lik and rashad, hope You two have "balls" to admit Your mistake
radziu is not my multi ffs
3.13.6. Additional characters are not allowed to buy, trade or exchange rare set artifacts and Thieves' Guild invitations(TGIs).
Rare artifacts are any items that are not displayed in the Artifact shop and that cannot be acquired in hunt.
Additional characters can enter the Guild using diamonds, but the TGIs and artifacts received as guild bonuses cannot be traded to other characters. We would like to remind you that additional characters only serve to get acquainted with the features of other factions

read this please, multi account aren't suppose to trade TGI, which includes renting TGI from another player

so what you are doing is clearly a rulebreak
dziadu and lepper are my accounts! only this two, there are no breaking rules

radziu is my friend from 183 clan, not my multi!

radziu send lepper tgi (for giving back tgi and 2 thief arts)

so what is the problem? Straws pls tell me where i broke the rules?!
ok i think I see the point Straws, rly didnt know that
it a new rule that i didnt know, and what now? ban for 6lvl lepper and penalty for 11lvl dziadu? =[ so much time wasted for 6lvl, and next time new rules will come saiyng that i broke one of them? we all accepted rules when we were creating accounts.

Sorry for my posts above, I was just angry, and I see that Im the one who I should blame
ban for lepper, will be more hurt radziu, becouse he lose TGI :(
and IMO its not fair
Lepper is my friend's account
dziadu is friend from work
seems like he changed his info page

but in this thread he already replied ....
my 2acc lepper
dziadu and lepper are my accounts

:) funny
i gived this acc to my friend, maybe he will get ban maybe not, Admins are giving new rules, not the one we accepted, so Im trying to make a chance for this acc

so dont know whats so funny for You
that 'new' rule for multi accounts was already mths ago


3.7. Password transfer to a different user and collective account managing are forbidden.

and no, this is not a new rule
waiting for penalty, nothing more
i don t want all this problem to be, just play with leper, radziu need his TGI give the tgi back as soon as possible but dont give radziu any arts or money for this rent, and than i think lepper will get blocked and radziu wont benefit from this cheat_rent.
can u stop looking for affer rashad? lol
what the problem he didnt do u nothing bad...
[Player banned by moderator Zyanya until 2009-05-24 18:22:42 // No personal comments in CaA please]
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