=== TGI RENT===
Condition A:
1.You must return the TGI in 2 weeks.
2.Give me first 1 thief art if return TGI in 1 week, or first 2 thief arts if return TGI in 2 weeks.both thief arts must be provided by the guild during your tg level 2
3.If return TGI after 2 weeks, you pay 2000 gold per extra day pass 2 weeks.
4.after 4 weeks you have to pay 500,000 gold or else your id will be block and i will lose my tgi.
5.selling,renting,buying thief arts are prohibited during the renting period.
6.selling or leasing tgi to other players or your additional characters during this process is illegal and strictly prohibited.
Condition B:
Same as Condition A.But you need to pay 80,000 gold as prepaid for 2 weeks.no need of thief arts.
Condition C
pm me.
- You must be Combat Level 6 at least
- You plan with a full time Thief activity for about 2 weeks. And that means about 10-15 Thief Ambush per day.
- You need to show me a full art set.
tyrisia |