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AuthorSecure Private Purchases Question
I am looking at purchasing a Thieves Guild Invitation (TGI)soon. In addition to purchasing the TGI at the market (which appears to be very safe for the buyer and seller), a TGI can also be bought and sold privately.

Is there a secure way (for a buyer and seller) to buy/sell a TGI through a private transaction ie where the seller gets their gold, and the buyer gets the TGI, with no chance of any mischief from one of the parties?

The reasons for my query
1. I have been saving for a few months (with at least another month to go), and I really don't want to be scammed after such an effort.
2. Even at high level I have seen (accurate) reports of a few scammers who will happily get themselves banned to spite another player by stealing a TGI under conditions of a lease.
3. When I get spare TGIs at level 2 and 4, I have no intention to lease them. I just want to sell them. See point 2 for reasoning.

Yes, they transfer you the TGI with the price attached. When you check the price if it is the pruice agreed upon you accept. They automatically receive gold and you automatically recieve the invite.
The market is a secure way to buy/sell TGI. You could also contact someone thats selling it and they would sell it to you for market price or lower. These are both very secure ways and are safer than renting.
Thank you MasterTI and Eviltitan.

Yes, they transfer you the TGI with the price attached. When you check the price if it is the pruice agreed upon you accept. They automatically receive gold and you automatically recieve the invite.

Now if I may ask a silly question (for clarification - as I have never done this before).

I Click
-> Inventory
-> Transfer (the item)
Select Players Name
Select the Gold Value eg 400 000 gold
Select "Transfer with recall" and select 1 day (in case of delay problems)

Is the above the correct method?

Yes it is correct, if that is the price you want him to pay. He would not be able to accept the item without paying that price.
Select "Transfer with recall" and select 1 day (in case of delay problems)
there is only [Do not transfer] & [Transfer to receiver's disposal] options for TGI
there is only [Do not transfer] & [Transfer to receiver's disposal] options for TGI

What is the difference between them?

[Do not transfer]
nothing happens as you don't transfer

[Transfer to receiver's disposal]
Item transfered; if there's a price tag, the receiver will have to accept and pay the price to receive the item, else it will only be an 'incoming' item and both party can cancel it

Transfer with recall
is for arts, where the items transfered do no belong to the receiver, and the sender can recall it back after the time expires, usually used for renting arts, sending arts to blacksmith or enchanter
Straws - Thank you. And thanks everyone else too.

I feel a little more at ease when it comes to buy my TGI.

closed by Lord Ravensclaw (2009-05-11 09:17:20)
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