Author | I will buy your elements- Good rates |
Hi, I will pay the following for your elements. Just do a element transfer to me and drop me a PM so I know to accept and pay.
Abrasive = 400 gold
Fire crystal = 2500 gold
Ice crystal = 4000 gold
Meteorite shard = 2660 gold
Moonstone = 8500 gold
Tiger’s claw = 5700 gold
Toadstool = 400 gold
Viper venom = 1360 gold
Windflower = 4000 gold
Witch bloom = 650 gold
Thank you. |
Anyone? I'll accept the tansfer as soon as aI can as long as I c=am online.
Just PM me so I will know |
If you want me to offer a better price, post here and we can negoiate. But till then I'm trying to synchronise prices amongst the rest of the people buying. |
Please, sell me your elements |
Pretty Please? |
With cherries on top? |
Come on. The pricing isn't that bad and you have a guarenteed buyer here... |
You guys have tons of elements you are not using, right? Please? |
I'm sure you all want to get rid of them and get gold in return, right? to buy arts, repair, TGI related stuff...?
I'm providing that service |
Off load your elements now.... Be cool. |
Bring down element prices, help the economy. Bring Change! |
Go against Elemental Price Control. Support Cheap elements and the Enchanters will be happy to do your enchatments for cheaper |
Rally behind the Cheap Handy Elements Acquirement Program (C.H.E.A.P)
Sell your elements cheap for cheap enchantments |
Anyone? Pretty please? |
^ |
Please. I need elements good and cheap to do my enchantments for you people. |
I appeal to the good nature of the players on this server to sell us elements. We send gold fast and guaranteed and we don't want to start a price war on the market.
Thanks |
No good natured person? |
Anyone willing to help a poor enchanter? |
Really. Anyone? |