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AuthorI will buy your elements- Good rates
Hi, I will pay the following for your elements. Just do a element transfer to me and drop me a PM so I know to accept and pay.

Abrasive = 400 gold
Fire crystal = 2500 gold
Ice crystal = 4000 gold
Meteorite shard = 2660 gold
Moonstone = 8500 gold
Tiger’s claw = 5700 gold
Toadstool = 400 gold
Viper venom = 1360 gold
Windflower = 4000 gold
Witch bloom = 650 gold

Thank you.
Anyone? I'll accept the tansfer as soon as aI can as long as I c=am online.

Just PM me so I will know
If you want me to offer a better price, post here and we can negoiate. But till then I'm trying to synchronise prices amongst the rest of the people buying.
Please, sell me your elements
Pretty Please?
With cherries on top?
Come on. The pricing isn't that bad and you have a guarenteed buyer here...
You guys have tons of elements you are not using, right? Please?
I'm sure you all want to get rid of them and get gold in return, right? to buy arts, repair, TGI related stuff...?

I'm providing that service
Off load your elements now.... Be cool.
Bring down element prices, help the economy. Bring Change!
Go against Elemental Price Control. Support Cheap elements and the Enchanters will be happy to do your enchatments for cheaper
Rally behind the Cheap Handy Elements Acquirement Program (C.H.E.A.P)

Sell your elements cheap for cheap enchantments
Anyone? Pretty please?
Please. I need elements good and cheap to do my enchantments for you people.
I appeal to the good nature of the players on this server to sell us elements. We send gold fast and guaranteed and we don't want to start a price war on the market.

No good natured person?
Anyone willing to help a poor enchanter?
Really. Anyone?
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2008-2024, online games LordsWM