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Authorskeletal bowmen
I have a question about skeletal bowmen

if they deal a minimum and maximum damage of 1 so that means a group of 60 bowmen will deal 60 damage but why does it sometimes deal below 60?

in my last battle they only dealt damage below 20
dmg affected by:

1. your stack total attack stats
2. target total defend stats
3. range unit will have the factor on range unless no range penalty
this damage is within 6 squares.If its already 6.5 squares till target u will make 30 damage(for example if skeletons attack will be 5 and targets defence 5).If your targets defence will be higher than your attack,then damage will be smaller.
what do you mean about number 3?
If target is with in 6 squares away from bowman, you will deal full damage.

7 or further will deal half damage(broken bow icon)

4. Large shield/Shield allies(Swordman, Guardian will further reduce ranged damamge)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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