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AuthorHighway patrol recruiting! (TGI for rent)
Become a part of the growing community of highway patrollers! Aid travellers by lightening their load of gold coins, and prevent the realm from being overrun by caravans! All this while recieving fame, initiative bonuses and respect from your fellow players. This amazing offer is avaliable for a limited time only!

All that is required is for you to have a sound personal economy, a combat level of 6 or higher and regular playing time, and you can take this offer:
- Decide how many weeks you want to rent it for. Each week costs 25k gold or one random thief art from the guild rewards.
- You return the TGI as soon as you reach TG level 2.
- If you pay with thief arts, you get a 5000 gold bonus if your artifact is a ring, dagger or amulet!
- If you finish faster than the time agreed upon, you get 1000 gold for every unused day. If you take longer, you pay 4000 gold extra for each day started.

Don't delay! Your glorious days as a highway patroller could start today! Message Xeno and apply!

(Disclaimer: Other players may or may not view you as worthy of their respect. Days of thieving may or may not be glorious.)
I will also answer your questions about thieving and give you advice to the best of my ability, to help you finish once you rent my TGI.
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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