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AuthorTournament Lvl8
So..come on?:)
Write in order - top right bottom left.
left top right bottom
1.sen genius*4
2.x anch*3 cross*17 fk*16
3.en garg*17 regen thug*13 genius*4 en garg*17
6.monk*7 miss*11 monk*7 miss*11
7.grand bow *12
8.inf zombie*59
9.skel*69 vamp*6 skel vamp
10.lizard cub*41 recruit*77 roc*5 farmer*108
11.titan*2 monk*7 orc*27 zed*73
13.green dragon*3 zed*95 gre eng*117 garg*65
14.jade dragon*1
15.thug*39 fk*69
Me went until , 13.green dragon*3 zed*95 gre eng*117 garg*65
Thats what I got to as well, then I died XD
Participants level: 8
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (8 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Barbarian] 30775
me too...no green dragon killed
lol did u guys get to 4jade dragons and 1 per stack??
lost in wave 11

8 AP used score 19938

btw my score 29081 i think i died in wave 14
Grrr u guys r lucky i didnt use my efks and i was using diff talents
i want some necros...i guess i will made it too 9-10
Participants level: 8
Challenge type: Survival
Equipment limitations: Standard (8 minimum AP, shop artifacts only)
Amount of attempts: 7 (1)
Highest score: [Knight] 23976
Green dragons have killed me too :(
it's so hard.
Damned Infected Zombies
My score was 24kish.. Lvl 13 was till where i got to!!
What is the highest score for a Knight at lvl 8??
28k ^^ yeah! i've killed the damned green dragons! and jade dragons have token their revenge :( :p
i cant kill the titan in wave 11 =(
Well it looks like Barbs are going to be the top gunners this time around!!
I got till 13. (green dragon*3 zed*95 gre eng*117 garg*65)
Highest score 24865

I would suggest for elves to use moral neck and rings and all the best equipment you can afford with expert luck talent

With the following setup:

27 Sprites
46 EFKs
1 Bowmen
15 Druids
6 Unicorns

You can't really use the bowmen as they are so vulnerable but you'll have a free slot for the single one.

Only druids should be swapped to 3*5 stacks and they should give a stoneskin as soon as they can (most likely after the first wave) and save their mana so you can use stone again. When they are out of ammo and mana you can use them to take retaliation.

Also I would recommend to bring as much attack as you can and if you have raise dead spell then you might want to have 1 or 2 knowledge as you prefer.

I ran with the following stats:
+18 Attack
+17 Defense
+0 Spell Power
+1 Knowledge
+3 Luck
+4 Morale
+6% Initiative

If you have a different strategy, please let us know. :-)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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