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Authori want to rent TGi from SIDERISKA
I will do 120 successful ambushes and I will return to SIDERISKA the invitation as soon as I reach TG lvl 2. Any transfer of recieved TGI is forbidden .
- 2 arts from tg1 and tg2 are for SIDERISKA .Any transfer of thief arts to another player is forbidden .
- Returned thief art must be full durability and not bought from the market
-i must finish it in 20 days , after this time i must pay 2000 gold per day.
-I have a total maximum of 4 weeks to reach TG Level 2, otherwise I break rule 3.14, which typically means my Account gets blocked (irreversable) , or i must pay 400000 gold .

steile mail molis eisai etoimos
05-28-09 12:40: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to Folkin . Transaction price: 1 Gold
closed by Folkin (2009-05-28 16:45:57)
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